If you read it in context it is obvious.
I don't know the pipe was only half full. You still haven't come up a layout.
There is no point in rehashing this all again.

On 12/6/2016 2:39 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    Evidence from IH suggests they didn't,

They didn't what?

but Rossi was the one who instigated this expensive court case. Do you really think he would do that, knowing the results would
    come out, if he didn't believe he had a case?

I cannot read his mind or judge his motivations. Perhaps he was hoping they would negotiate a quick end to the lawsuit. I know little about lawsuits.

Here is what I do know. I know how instruments work. I know that they do not produce exactly the same numbers day after day for weeks. I know pressure cannot be 0.0 bar. I know that you cannot use that kind of flow meter in a half-empty pipe. I know that it is not possible to generate 1 MW of heat in a warehouse with no ventilation without killing the people inside.

In short, I can judge the technical issues. I know enough about instruments and calorimetry to do that. When I saw the data, after a few minutes I knew it was impossible, and much of it was fake. You can see the reasons in Exhibit 5. If you disagree with me, and you think the reasons in Exhibit 5 do not prove the claims are wrong, then you are technically illiterate and incapable of judging even the simplest experiment.

If you think the claims in Exhibit 5 are lies, then you should explain why Rossi himself repeated those same lies to Lewan. Is he deliberately trying to make himself look like a fraud?

- Jed

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