It is unwise and too early to belittle this fine effort, given their recent 
history of success with titanium electrolysis – where Deneum has already 
reported high levels of excess heat.

Apparently - their past success was unknown to those who are quick to be 

These researchers  are credentialed professionals who have had past success in 
LENR. What we are seeing  now  is early stage and they chose a strategy to 
learn as they go. Even so,  Deneum can make a valuable contribution without a 
mass spec or RGA. That is the main point.

 If they should fail to  find the robust thermal anomaly – their error is 
correctable. As a practical consideration, the motivation for being critical at 
an early stages can  appear to be self-serving and unnecessary.

In short - Deneum have the skills to see excess heat in the early time frame, 
and even if they do not - it is unwise to be critical of such effort in 
anticipation that it may be null. 

They are unlikely to be  part of some hidden conspiracy - being paid to produce 
a null result.

From: Jed Rothwell
They are doing a professional  job but nothing anomalous is showing up so far.

At LENR-forum this person stated that they do not have a mass spectrometer. So 
they are not doing a professional job. They are working blind with no idea what 
is going on, and I suppose there is no chance it will work. If it does work, 
the experiment is much easier and more forgiving than Mizuno or I think it is 
is. I wrote this at LENR-forum:
Let me restate this, as clearly as I can: People who are not skilled in the art 
cannot do cold fusion. People who do not have a complete set of instruments 
including a mass spectrometer, and who are not skilled in using these 
instruments, cannot do cold fusion. People who have to ask me or others how to 
set up the plumbing between the vacuum pump and the mass spectrometer, or what 
sort of plumbing to use, cannot do cold fusion. If you have to ask such things, 
you can't do it. That's what three top experts told me recently.

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