JonesBeene <> wrote:


> You seem to be missing the point… and adding a dose of silly pedantry to
> boot.
> The goal here is to clean and completely degas the reactor --- NOT to
> learn the identity of the last bit of gas which was removed.

Mizuno and other experts have told me that without a mass spec, you cannot
tell whether you have cleaned and degassed the reactor. There may be
materials in the wall of the reactor or the mesh that come out gradually.
Also, if you bake it at the wrong stage, you cause materials to stick to
the walls which are very difficult to get rid of. You need to check for
them before you bake.

Mizuno spelled out his methods in the paper. He said to use a mass spec.
Other experts agreed with him. This experiment is hard enough to do with a
mass spec and with the other recommended tools. People should not make it
harder, or add to the unknowns and the guesswork. People who ignore the
instructions may succeed despite that, but if they fail we will not know
why. It is not really my business. My only concern is that they and others
will say the instructions and the original experiment were flawed, even
though they did not follow the instructions or do the experiment.

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