1. does it matter what kind of screen the image is created on?
      - vacuum tube gives an electrostatic charge that can be felt   *Not
      many around anymore, barely tested on them at all.*
      - laser print does too?    *Works fine*
      - laptop screens may or may not produce charge effects; however, * I
      would note that the energy felt isn't just a slight electrostatic charge
      near the surface.*
         - image is predominantly white background and hands have heat
         sensors that are much more sensitive to changes in environment than to
         absolute values.
         - would inverted image (black background) produce similar effect,
         if one is observed. * It produces an effect but it is different
         and disagreeable, I have made myself sick if either the
energy is moving in
         the wrong direction or if inverted, interestingly if "normal"
the dominant
         energy should move CCW, but if inverted CW, but still it will produce
         negative effects with enough exposure, great degrees of
discomfort.  Also
         some versions can wide you out make you tired as a dog in
moments.  I have
         however got past those mistakes.*
         - etc.

2. hand motion:

   - how fast/slow?   *Any speed should works, you want to "pump it, if I
   give too many instructions I think people will be too in their head, but a
   smooth movement in and out about 1 foot front the screen to about an inch
   about one cycle a 1-2 seconds or so I guess.*
   - prior testing of sensitivity:
      - like the eyes adapt to the light levels available, so does the
      various sensors in the hands.
      - with a little practice, one can "feel" the wind, or the change in
      air pressure on the fingertips as one moves the hand.
      - this could provide a positive for your test even if no image were
      present.                      *There are different levels of
      sensation, at one level it is subtle and possibly explained away
with such,
      but sometimes, and often when the energy builds up there is no mistaking
      it, it is to the point of pain.*

   - does hand occlude image or not?  *Hand should be in-front of the
   image, depends on how close it is, if you are pumping you will see it as
   you move your hand back.*
   - does brisk rubbing of hands prior to test alter observed effects?   *This
   is used by Chi Gong and the like, I really don't know if that is beneficial
   or detrimental, but maybe detrimental, I do know this, any degree of recent
   exposure to the elements or to stresses from work can make it harder to
   feel energy, not impossible, but the baseline has been reset by these
   sensations and it is harder to notice the energy.*
   - I have observed this to increase probability of another person sensing
      the direction of motion of your fingers above their palm (even with their
      eyes closed).  *Ok, then it might help!*
   - does hand dominance (right or left) affect result?  * Everyone is
   different, and some people have issues with one hand so I generally hope
   people will just try both, but typically right seems to be a bit favored

3. eye motion

   - are you supposed to look at the image or the hand during the test?   *You
   can, it seems the eye has a ray and it increases the energy a bit, but it
   is not all necessary, some close their eyes to focus. *
   - does closing your eyes alter the effect if one is observed?  *It might
   or might not depending on the person and the design.*

4 etc.

If the effect you are seeking is so robust that 50% of subjects respond
(independent of test conditions/instructions), then details may not be
important. While my initial trial did not sense anything, I am sure that I
could "tune" my system to respond to the motion even without the image or
the screen (and even with the eyes closed). Is it worth the trouble to
determine if the image has an effect (with eyes open and closed)?

*I took the images printed on paper to a nearby town today, had a lower
rate of success than expected, I have not gone over the video, but I would
guess 30% felt the energy, and one woman who was a healer felt it without
it even pointing at her.*
*But I have in the past made coils and had about 30 our of 30 one time feel
the energy, it felt like about a 90% success rate at best for the physical

*The most I ever had in a row that didn't feel the coils was something like
2 or maybe 3, of course meeting strangers from all walks of life, some
aren't willing to try for more than a few seconds and give a very rapid
answer, still those figures hold.*

*I would have said the lower success rate than previous seemed to be maybe
been due to the fact that it was a printed image and their hand cast
shadows (possible) and not a lit screen which also has energy from the
hardware to contribute, sometimes the stove and oven running in the kitchen
clearly increases the energy over in the lounge for the images (or, some
images at least).  it did seem the car was increasing the energy in the
printed paper...*
*But there I'm not bating 50% here either, but then I have heard something
that might relate to this...*

*When it comes to making radionics work, getting the "stick" I read that
scientists had the lowest rate of success.*
*While I have had stone cold skeptics feel the energy, I think that some
minds are less inclined to tune into the energy.*

*It currently looks like it won't be all that near 50%, oh well.*


On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 7:46 PM Andrew Meulenberg <mules...@gmail.com>

> I was deliberately vague because that might have been your intention also.
> If not, then:
>    1. does it matter what kind of screen the image is created on?
>       - vacuum tube gives an electrostatic charge that can be felt
>       - laser print does too?
>       - laptop screens may or may not produce charge effects; however,
>          - image is predominantly white background and hands have heat
>          sensors that are much more sensitive to changes in environment than 
> to
>          absolute values.
>          - would inverted image (black background) produce similar
>          effect, if one is observed.
>          - etc.
> 2. hand motion:
>    - how fast/slow?
>    - prior testing of sensitivity:
>       - like the eyes adapt to the light levels available, so does the
>       various sensors in the hands.
>       - with a little practice, one can "feel" the wind, or the change in
>       air pressure on the fingertips as one moves the hand.
>       - this could provide a positive for your test even if no image were
>       present.
>    - does hand occlude image or not?
>    - does brisk rubbing of hands prior to test alter observed effects?
>       - I have observed this to increase probability of another person
>       sensing the direction of motion of your fingers above their palm (even 
> with
>       their eyes closed).
>    - does hand dominance (right or left) affect result?
> 3. eye motion
>    - are you supposed to look at the image or the hand during the test?
>    - does closing your eyes alter the effect if one is observed?
> 4 etc.
> If the effect you are seeking is so robust that 50% of subjects respond
> (independent of test conditions/instructions), then details may not be
> important. While my initial trial did not sense anything, I am sure that I
> could "tune" my system to respond to the motion even without the image or
> the screen (and even with the eyes closed). Is it worth the trouble to
> determine if the image has an effect (with eyes open and closed)?
> AM
> _ _ _
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 9:12 PM Jonathan Berry <aethe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Your objection is also  inadequately specified.
>> Do you mean my failing to mention that the energy could remain for some
>> time after removal from the screen?
>> Well, in that event, it has been remedied now, if the inadequacy is
>> anything else I'm not sure what it might be, please clarify.
>> Thanks.
>> On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 2:41 PM Andrew Meulenberg <mules...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> The experiment is inadequately specified (unless the goal is to see the
>>> number of people who will respond).
>>> AM
>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 5:53 PM Jonathan Berry <aethe...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> TLDR:  Keep an open mind, open this image: https://ibb.co/S75gccz
>>>> place tour hand to face the image for a minute as you move your hand in and
>>>> out.  Sounds impossible but you might feel something, please report back
>>>> either way, this science holds unprecedented promise for mankind, there are
>>>> numerous ways almost anyone can contribute to this.
>>>> Back about 2013 I posted about this on Vortex, a few people tried and
>>>> some of those could feel the energy from my images.
>>>> Roughly 50% do.
>>>> It is not in the mind, but a very real phenomena, though I am sure many
>>>> here are too closed minded to even try it.
>>>> Though it is hard to believe, yes even for me, what my work "proves" is
>>>> that images on a screen, or printed up can affect a little understood field
>>>> of energy or substance (the same kind of energy associated with Chi or
>>>> Orgone).
>>>> My work is incomparably stronger than it was back then.
>>>> This science can be used for accelerated healing, I have already
>>>> demonstrated that, but I came to this discovery from researching claims of
>>>> Overunity (Free Energy) and Antigravity.
>>>> This science has unlimited utility for mankind, though it's not going
>>>> to achieve that as images, please understand that images are just "Active
>>>> blueprints" which around 50% of people can feel.
>>>> It is a proof of principle, great for testing out ideas to gain a
>>>> better understanding of how this works at zero cost and rapid development.
>>>> This is a project to make the word better, and there are things anyone
>>>> who wants to help this exciting and promising project come to fruition.
>>>> Now, we are given to thinking images can't do anything, but images are
>>>> patterns of light.
>>>> Light can push matter (Solar sails) cut matter (Lasers) and even laser
>>>> fusion fuses matter.
>>>> Light is an electromagnetic stress on the medium of space, space on
>>>> which electromagnetic fields are embedded, the electric permativity and
>>>> magnetic permeability of space.
>>>> In short this results in images being able to impress a pattern into
>>>> the aether, and then aetheric energies flow through the stressed aether.
>>>> About half of the recipients (though I doubt many will read even to
>>>> this point) of this if they try it should be able to feel the energy from
>>>> the images.
>>>> https://ibb.co/S75gccz
>>>> To feel the energy, just place your palm infront of the image like you
>>>> are making a stop sign, and move your hand towards and away, it might take
>>>> a minute for the energy to become tangible.
>>>> You might begin to feel warmth, cool, pressure, tingle, burning.
>>>> The images I make now are at minimum many hundreds of times stronger
>>>> than the images I was making back in 2013, though people insensitive to the
>>>> energy don't always become sensitive to the energy with more, but it is
>>>> more compelling.
>>>> If you want to be a part of this project, one option is you could join
>>>> this email group I just created: https://groups.io/g/AethericSciences
>>>> And, if you want to help, there are endless ways to do so:
>>>> Ideas
>>>> Emotional support.
>>>> Testing the device, does it make plants grow faster, can I use it to
>>>> heal X, does it kill this virus or this bacteria, or make it grow based on
>>>> changes/details.
>>>> Working on the theory, the science of it
>>>> Donating money or raising money
>>>> Feedback of which images you feel (best), and what you feel, some also
>>>> hear and see things.
>>>> Donating resources, equipment, materials to test this.
>>>> Suggesting contacts
>>>> Managing some sort of organization to further this science.
>>>> Promoting this technology
>>>> Helping with strategy.
>>>> The fact is that while this technology is weird, and at an early stage
>>>> still, when it is embodied physically and given electrical and thermal and
>>>> acoustic and kinetic and other energies which is can become mixed with, the
>>>> world will have a technology which can open humanity to abundance, to the
>>>> stars, and to environmental rejuvenation, to healing and much much more.
>>>> This is huge, and the difference might come down to your support, this
>>>> needs a pioneering spirit, so do you want to do something hugely positive
>>>> for the world?  Make a massive difference?
>>>> As long as you have the desire to contribute to this, there should be a
>>>> way for you to do so.
>>>> I hope I see all of you on my list:
>>>> https://groups.io/g/AethericSciences
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jonathan Berry

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