Thanks Harry...

I had already made contact with Dean Radin (a scientist there who did a
google talk) and he seemed a little interested but it didn't go anywhere
back in 2017.   My tech is stronger now so perhaps that could be
different this time.

I tried now and rang several times going though to different extensions
with none answering (left a message on one), all the email addresses say
they don't answer emails, so we'll see what comes of that.

It is very hard getting attention for something that looks more like the
realm of magical sigils or psychotronics, but that is just the means of
demonstrating the effect without needing to physically ship or recreate
material devices.

Despite the easily demonstrated reality of the effect, despite the
applicability to hardware, despite the EXTREME promise of such technology,
it is hard, to find an iota of interest, and more likely the person is to
be "useful" to the objective on making this technology feasible the less
likely they are to hear the pitch.

The appearance of this is killing it.  I keep thinking that if I make it
strong enough, startling enough (the intensity people report feeling from
the images does increase as I improve the technology to a remarkable
degree, something that could not occur with a placebo effect) that at some
point it will be taken more seriously, and maybe it will...

But, that won't happen if "USEFUL" people don't try it in the first place.


I have decided to turn the bottom part of this email into a second email
with a new subject, so the below is redundant...

*Let me run a poll on this list right now, everyone on here, who has tried
the latest designs?*
*I predict that fewer people will have tried it that outright rejected it.*

*Here is the poll, BTW I ran a poll on the new group I started and while
only 3 people have answered, all 3 can feel the energy, another could see
it but not feel it.*

*Vote here: <>
  Image here: <>*

*The image on the voting platform is terrible damaged from compression
artifacts, so a better example is posted at the second link.*

*My prediction is that very few even here, despite me being a member of
this group for well over 20 years, that fewer will try than report not
feeling it.  Though I hope to be proven wrong.*

*I will however shut up about this (if people want) if just 10 people try
and then report by voting if they feel it or not.*

*But, I might also ask, what if at least half do feel something, and that
some of those feel a compelling degree of activity, what then?*
*Would those who don't, or who are skeptical become interested?  I would
hope so, but we will see.*


On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 3:08 AM H LV <> wrote:

> Institute of Noetic Sciences
> harry
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:56 PM Jonathan Berry <> wrote:
>> What a bunch of pretentious BS much of the art world is.
>> I guess however I could treat it as art...
>> Or, I could make journals of these designs with strange writings and
>> leave them places, they could become semi-famous on the internet (as has
>> occurred in the past).
>> Or, I could just present this as the utterly ignored science it is to an
>> audience which in theory should be appropriate and be ignored anyway, ugh.
>> Many on Vortex and elsewhere have seen the correlation, the suggestion
>> that these "weird" claims relating to Antigravity and Free Energy are due
>> to some "aetheric vortex".
>> In the 17 years of researching this before I made a coil in 2012 which
>> produced a tangible energy, I told many people about my "theory" only to
>> have others confirm they had seen the same correlation.
>> And at that early stage, it is an almost useless observation because so
>> little is known about how such a mechanism could work, and no way to know
>> if you are getting results (or so one might presume) until you get massive
>> gravity or (apparent) CoE defying evidence.
>> And yet, my images both prove the principles, and MOST people can feel
>> the energy.
>> My images (or, more to the point the designs when embodied physically or
>> graphically) increase one's sensitivity.
>> So I can give powerful and detailed mechanisms...  Theory...
>> And many (more than not) can feel the energy so lack of instrumentation
>> is not a hard problem.
>> There is zero cost related to simple levels of experimentation with
>> graphics or even bits of wire.
>> Developments can be shared with others rapidly, and experiments can be
>> tried at incredible rates, lifetimes of work can be done in months!
>> It can and has been objectively proven to be real...  (though people
>> feeling energy from hidden devices and other such tests)
>> And utterly fail to attract interest, even to evidence that this is the
>> phenomena behind Antigravity and Free Energy can be abundantly demonstrated.
>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 3:52 AM H LV <> wrote:
>>> HOW TO SEE | Joan Miró
>>> <<As an artist obsessed with vision and “the eye of the picture that
>>> looks at us,” Joan Miró is a perfect subject for our series "How to See."
>>> Here, on the occasion of the exhibition "Joan Miró: Birth of the World,"
>>> curator Anne Umland and the artist’s grandson, Joan Punyet Miró, examine
>>> the ways in which Miro worked to achieve a heightened state of awareness in
>>> which to paint. Hear about the monsters of the subconscious, the way that
>>> history guides the moral imperatives of his art, and why he loved New York
>>> City.>>

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