The experiment is inadequately specified (unless the goal is to see the
number of people who will respond).


On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 5:53 PM Jonathan Berry <> wrote:

> TLDR:  Keep an open mind, open this image:  place
> tour hand to face the image for a minute as you move your hand in and out.
> Sounds impossible but you might feel something, please report back either
> way, this science holds unprecedented promise for mankind, there are
> numerous ways almost anyone can contribute to this.
> Back about 2013 I posted about this on Vortex, a few people tried and some
> of those could feel the energy from my images.
> Roughly 50% do.
> It is not in the mind, but a very real phenomena, though I am sure many
> here are too closed minded to even try it.
> Though it is hard to believe, yes even for me, what my work "proves" is
> that images on a screen, or printed up can affect a little understood field
> of energy or substance (the same kind of energy associated with Chi or
> Orgone).
> My work is incomparably stronger than it was back then.
> This science can be used for accelerated healing, I have already
> demonstrated that, but I came to this discovery from researching claims of
> Overunity (Free Energy) and Antigravity.
> This science has unlimited utility for mankind, though it's not going to
> achieve that as images, please understand that images are just "Active
> blueprints" which around 50% of people can feel.
> It is a proof of principle, great for testing out ideas to gain a better
> understanding of how this works at zero cost and rapid development.
> This is a project to make the word better, and there are things anyone who
> wants to help this exciting and promising project come to fruition.
> Now, we are given to thinking images can't do anything, but images are
> patterns of light.
> Light can push matter (Solar sails) cut matter (Lasers) and even laser
> fusion fuses matter.
> Light is an electromagnetic stress on the medium of space, space on which
> electromagnetic fields are embedded, the electric permativity and magnetic
> permeability of space.
> In short this results in images being able to impress a pattern into the
> aether, and then aetheric energies flow through the stressed aether.
> About half of the recipients (though I doubt many will read even to this
> point) of this if they try it should be able to feel the energy from the
> images.
> To feel the energy, just place your palm infront of the image like you are
> making a stop sign, and move your hand towards and away, it might take a
> minute for the energy to become tangible.
> You might begin to feel warmth, cool, pressure, tingle, burning.
> The images I make now are at minimum many hundreds of times stronger than
> the images I was making back in 2013, though people insensitive to the
> energy don't always become sensitive to the energy with more, but it is
> more compelling.
> If you want to be a part of this project, one option is you could join
> this email group I just created:
> And, if you want to help, there are endless ways to do so:
> Ideas
> Emotional support.
> Testing the device, does it make plants grow faster, can I use it to heal
> X, does it kill this virus or this bacteria, or make it grow based on
> changes/details.
> Working on the theory, the science of it
> Donating money or raising money
> Feedback of which images you feel (best), and what you feel, some also
> hear and see things.
> Donating resources, equipment, materials to test this.
> Suggesting contacts
> Managing some sort of organization to further this science.
> Promoting this technology
> Helping with strategy.
> The fact is that while this technology is weird, and at an early stage
> still, when it is embodied physically and given electrical and thermal and
> acoustic and kinetic and other energies which is can become mixed with, the
> world will have a technology which can open humanity to abundance, to the
> stars, and to environmental rejuvenation, to healing and much much more.
> This is huge, and the difference might come down to your support, this
> needs a pioneering spirit, so do you want to do something hugely positive
> for the world?  Make a massive difference?
> As long as you have the desire to contribute to this, there should be a
> way for you to do so.
> I hope I see all of you on my list:
> Regards,
> Jonathan Berry

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