Dear Vortex People,

Thank you for sharing!   Zoom zoom!

Tweak my psycho-glandular index!  Make me leak personal thoughts!  I love the topic of alien mind assisting humanity as a finger of sentient universal intelligence.

--floating away--

Perhaps the universe is more-way-very-far advanced than human comprehension at our level of nascent intelligence, latent as an accessible Akashic record, per se, of everything harmonic ever realized by the universe of mind.  That is to say, our inner mind is based on cosmic goose sense.

Perhaps the advanced-index of the human perceptive envelop is little more than a mud-worm's reckoning in comparison to a universe that is intelligent enough to produce the error-checking machinery at the molecular-level of a biological agency of genetic code that persists as a specie --human, animal, virus; in spite of entropy.  Intelligent enough to flood a planet with every conceivable, and inconceivable, genetic coding that persists indefinitely within a world of chaos at all levels.  Intelligent enough for this place to be here.  Float with me.

Leap with me.  Perhaps 'mind' is the technology of a sentient universe with a memory.  Mind is then defined as a functioning image of the cross-time dynamics of universal sentience --in this discussion.   Your mind is my definition of mind to you.  We are sentience of mind with a lot of abstraction ability and time-line event-memory.

To offer one explanation from an primitive viewpoint of apparent ET encounters:  (in all manor of mixed metaphor) <-- and as touched upon also by other Vortex People...

Perhaps the intelligence of the universe manifests an agency-of-mind locally within this material universe at the will and purpose of the universe.

Perhaps 'ET-s' (etc.) are manifestations of the universal mind; enacting events that were otherwise unobtainable to the will of the universe save through the intervention of local minds-in-a-material-body (or sentient space craft, or light ship, or wheel in a wheel, or intelligent ball lightning).  Local manifestation of universal mind.  Personality; a divine expression in timing-space. 'Made in His image' per some humans.  We are produced within the time-line to tune-in THE image, per some hybrid ways of thinking.  We are nature's hand mirror.

So, perhaps we really are the universe, as flower-children told us decades back.  We may really be a nexus of universal mind, as an experience of the universe within itself, while 'we,' proper, are exactly each a unique experience of the mind of THE universe. All of us.  Uniquely.

The human brain ...

If Sir Roger Penrose, Ph.D (knighted mathematician) is correct in asserting that 'mind' is not a product of 'brain,' but a brain is a transceiver for mind that is somewhere else, then entertain this twist...

Are we all then bio-aetheric tuners into the same 'mind of the galaxy?'   Note: universal mind is here termed mind of the local galaxy.  That's maybe human of me.

"Not all stars are alive." --the first prepared statement of a self-claimed remote viewer having claimed assistance to human-alien cooperatives as a trans-agency interpreter (An ambassador for military-humans to the orbs.)  Post-coma, nearing-death disclosure.  June, 2013, day one.

Are we all neurologically-tuned into the same galactic mind that thrums entropy-defeating-future-sense upon the material universe until 'life' evolves to a level to support a hosting environment of the universal mind?

Are the gear-works of the universe spinning the hands of time to produce the ultimate biological host of universal mind?


Engineering challenge:  Locate the superluminal signal of the universal mind, and amplify this still, small voice that our neuro-quantum biology communicates socially to be the creator god <-- so that us biologics can  better perceive what the hell is going on.




   Just say "No!" to cognitive dissonance.  Stop thinking that shifts
   the psychosomatic index into darker places of mind.  To stop thought

   Be the universal harmonic-mind-coupling. Perceive yourself within
   your host mind/body.  And harmonize with this source.  Speak aloud
   your urgent whisper within. The angels (ET-s, intelligent orbs,
   visitations, knowings) will hear the amplification of intent and
   respond within the time-line in proportion of your passion.  Then,
   in concert with these same
   nexi-of-reckoning-against-sentience-of-knowing, life begins to make
   sense in a magnitude of context that bespeaks divinity lurks the
   shadow of mankind.  Harmony deepens.  Joy bubbles through happiness.

   Fan a spark of divinity to create a light of mind. Shine for your
   gene pool.

   Enjoy life and pass without regret by continuity of action through
   waking days.

   Then the engineering challenge of genetic fulfillment is anticipated
   to occur when the universe moves within group-local-mind-harmony for
   unrealized amplification of effective group-intelligence that may
   yet surface from the noise of our hosting animals; us humans.
   (Enlightened-Community Workshop 101)

   /A posteriori /implications of the above mind-set: Wish-fulfilment
   is directly proportional to the wish-fidelity portrayed against the
   universal plan of the inner spark of divinity held by the life of
   the wisher. Or, to make magic, wish the will of the universe, as
   told within.  If the universe wants the mountain to move, there will
   be an earthquake or asteroid impact within a
   synchronistical-time-frame relative to human-perceptions of the
   wisher.  It will happen.  It does and did happen, ad infinitum, to
   get us all to know now.

   Dear Universe, grant us humans a colonial mind to sing together in
   Your symphony of life --to harmonize and overcome the colonial
   animals we are --help us learn to sing not off-key and tone deaf in
   a material-world philosophy and inherited lack of inner-reckoning
   with each our source being. Help us know each our cosmic mind of the
   galaxy within us each, and with each our personal slant toward full
   harmony of now.

   And of course the trickster in all of this is naturally the human
   animal host not so well domesticated in divine affairs of the
   cosmos.  As a host, our animal owns a party-line mind-connection
   with our very softly spoken cosmic source-sentience.

   With a genetic gift of inner-language of a dual personality, we
   hosting animals learned to talk well together.  We now talk so
   loudly to each the other, and echo within ourselves such cacophony
   of soul continually, in proportion with our inner dialog, that our
   inner dialog is lost in the noise of living as a talking-society of

   I wish the assembly and combined force within chaotic social realm
   of inner-minds of compliant star speak to 'magically unfold a
   reality' anticipated by those looking in the dark for hopeful outcome.

   And wishing the sense of a cosmic goose.

   --hybrid out--

On 5/22/2021 6:08 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Michael Foster < <>> wrote:

    Everyone just assumes that these visitors must be from
    civilizations far advanced from our own. That may or may not be true.

If they are actually visitors from other civilizations, they have to be far advanced. They cannot be from anywhere in the solar system. Our robot probes have now visited every planet and most large moons. There is no sign of intelligent life anywhere in the solar system. So if there are non-human visitors they must have crossed interstellar space. To do that, they have to be far advanced over us. We could not begin to do that, except -- as I noted -- with tiny spacecraft that cannot be controlled when they arrive.

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