I can't blame anyone for staying away from the UFO "community". Real 
information is really difficult to weed out of the profusion of BS that 
pervades. There is so much fakery and pseudo-religion associated with what are 
probably real phenomena, that it is wise not to become involved.

But besides the "Pets or Meat?" question, there might be an alternative 
explanation for these visits. Given the wide variety of craft observed, 
saucers, triangles, tic-tacs, pyramids and so on, it appears that these are 
different groups. Everyone just assumes that these visitors must be from 
civilizations far advanced from our own. That may or may not be true.

My speculation is that it is possible that these visitors may have discovered 
reactionless propulsion, space warping methods and other physics unknown to us 
before all the things we consider to be the advanced technology we have now. 
Perhaps they simply evolved their science and technology along entirely 
different lines. Maybe they never had steam engines, winged aircraft, and 
complex digital electronics because they never needed them. They might just be 
a bunch of goofy guys briefly curious about what goes on with our strange 
species and all the overly complicated devices we make.

There are examples of this sort of thing in human history. My favorite example 
is the very advanced agricultural technology of the meso-Americans. The world 
benefits from their accomplishments today. These were civilizations that never 
invented the wheel, but yet created foods by the selective breeding of plants 
that were either inedible or poisonous. We eat potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, 
tomatoes, and corn (maize), all brought into existence by civilizations 
isolated from Europe and Asia.

So who knows? I certainly don't.  

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