What if UFOs are actually Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP).
Maybe the common conception of what a particle can be is too limited at
least in terms of size. What if UFOs are the appearance of dark matter on
earth. I have a number of reasons in support of this conjecture.

A case in point, the The Hessdalen lights.

The Hessdalen lights are unexplained lights observed in a 12-kilometre-long
(7.5 mi) stretch of the Hessdalen valley in rural central Norway.

The bus-sized Hessdalen lights are of unknown origin. They appear both by
day and by night, and seem to float through and above the valley. They are
usually bright white, yellow or red and can appear above and below the
horizon. The duration of the phenomenon may be a few seconds to well over
an hour. Sometimes the lights move with enormous speed; at other times they
seem to sway slowly back and forth. On yet other occasions, they hover in
mid‑air.Unusual lights have been reported in the region since at least the
1930s. High activity occurred between December 1981 and mid-1984, during
which the lights were being observed 15–20 times per week, attracting many
overnight tourists who arrived in for a sighting. As of 2010, the number of
observations has dwindled, with only 10 to 20 sightings made yearly.

Many attempts at trying to get to the bottom of these lights have centered
on the local geology to explain their casation. The one that I like the
best is the explanation that attributes the phenomenon to an incompletely
understood reaction involving hydrogen, oxygen and sodium, which occurs in
Hessdalen because of the large deposits of scandium there. This explanation
seems to support the catalytic formation of a metallic hydrogen based
polariton condensate. But how can  this condensate grow so large, the size
of a bus. A clue comes from research observations about how the Hessdalen
lights are initiated:

"The light phenomenon is always preceded by very short-lasting (on the
order of a fraction of second) flashes of light which appear everywhere in
the valley and which emit power ranging from 10 to 300 W. Sometimes such
flashes are recorded at a very short distance (up to 5 m) from the

This indicates that the large bus-sized condensate waveform condenses  from
the entanglement of many smaller sub clusters. There is no
alien civilization origin story involved here.

There are many such areas around the world that have seen these lights
produced on a regular basis including the Marfa lights in Texas.

But there are other clues that can lend support to the assignation of WIMPs
status to UFO sightings.

I have mentioned the polygon structure of the UFO which is a result of the
supersolid nature of polariton lattice formation.

There is mention by Navy pilots to the roiling of the surface of the sea
that is occurring on the surface of the ocean directly under the ocean
hugging  UFO.

I have seen this appear in cavitation based polariton condensation
formation where the anopole spin circulation induces massive vortex
formation behavior in water.

Next, polariton condensation is a surface localized reaction where the
condensate is attracted to metal surfaces. This could be why the UFOs
attempt to approach ships and jet aircraft.

If the UFO based condensate does ever contact the surface of a ship or
plane, that surface may dematerialize. That would set the defence
department into an alien attack based panic. These bus sized WIMPs could be
dangerous and not to be toyed with.

As far as an application of UFO WIMP technology goes... if an aircraft
could be encased in a dark matter field, the aircraft might  demonstrate
the performance behavior that the UFOs are currently showing the US Navy.
This includes MOND based antigravity, no control surfaces, no restraint by
air resistance,  zero inertial maneuvering,  instant acceleration,
deceleration, and change of direction, and point to point quantum

The WIMP hunters now searching in those multi million dollar holes in the
ground might be better served to get their eyes directed toward the skys.

When Ed Witten set down his mathematical description of a
tachyon condensate, no one would ever imagine that these equations could
ever actually be realized.

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 10:12 PM Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If UFOs are actually visitors from other civilizations, they must have a
> technology that is far more advanced than ours is. But don't be concerned,
> there are no other civilizations involved with UFOs... these fearful
> objects are but a dimly seen preview of a new epoch in science and
> technology that could be available to humankind if only we can embrace it
> without fear.
> The laws of nature in their full expanse are just now becoming visible.
> But even at this very early juncture, the specifications of this new
> technology are truly awesome. What is to come in the very near future is
> beyond the dreams of the most imaginative Sci Fi authors but new military
> sensors can now preview the dance moves of these flying profits of the
> future.
> The AN/APG-79, and other AESA radars like it on fighter aircraft, offer
> a huge leap in capability in virtually every respect. This includes a
> massive improvement in reliability as a steerable radar dish is no longer
> needed with electronically scanned arrays.
> Mechanically scanned arrays have to quickly sweep in all directions
> physically and even under heavy G forces and buffeting, and they have to
> survive crashing down on a carrier deck after missions over and over. So,
> migrating to a system with few moving parts was a massive coup in terms of
> reliability for Navy fighters. he AN/APG-79's resolution, range, speed of
> scan, simultaneous tracking, and target discrimination abilities are
> drastically improved over its predecessor. Even the ability to operate in
> air-to-air and air-to-ground modes at the same time has been introduced. In
> addition, advanced software and processing that interprets what the more
> sensitive radar 'sees' provides a higher quality end product to Super
> Hornet crews, resulting in dramatically improved situational awareness.
> All this means that AESA equipped fighters can see farther, better
> understand what was being detected, and have a hugely enhanced ability to
> detect objects flying low over surface clutter. Even small or low
> observable (stealthy), or slow-moving targets, or those that attempt
> to hide in the 'doppler notch' of a threatening fighter's radar by flying
> perpendicular to it, have a tougher time eluding detection and engagement
> when facing opposition fighters packing AESA radar sets.
> With all that being said, apparently, this same leap in sensor technology
> also lifted the curtain, so to speak, when it came to detecting UFOs flying
> near Navy fighters while on training missions.
> The pilots began noticing the objects after their 1980s-era radar was
> upgraded to a more advanced system. As one fighter jet after another got
> the new radar, pilots began picking up the objects, but ignoring what they
> thought were false radar tracks.
> As with any advancement is scientific sensing, new discoveries
> immediately follow.
> Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been in the Navy for
> a decade has come forward after talking to the Navy and Congress about the
> events he and his squadron mates witnessed between 2014 and 2015.
> This navy pilot and his wingman were flying in tandem about 100 feet apart
> over the Atlantic east of Virginia Beach when something flew between them,
> right past the cockpit. It looked to the pilot, Lieutenant Graves said,
> like a sphere encasing a cube.
> When I see these polygon shapes, I know what ballpark that the game is
> being played in. These are the classic supersolid shapes. I see the marks
> that these shapes impress in material corrosion all the time in
> micrographs. Triangles, hexagons,  pyramids,  and  even saucer-shapes are
> also seen.
> There may be an instance of fear involved in the interpretation of this
> new reality like a bushman seeing his picture on a smartphone for the
> first time.  When a nanoscale object described in a math paper is just an
> exercise in logic, but when that same object, now  the size of a bus, is
> pacing your jet airliner at 30,000 feet, the culture shock is beyond most
> of us and that is when  the fear sets in.
> On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 8:09 PM Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Michael Foster <mf...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Everyone just assumes that these visitors must be from civilizations far
>>> advanced from our own. That may or may not be true.
>> If they are actually visitors from other civilizations, they have to be
>> far advanced. They cannot be from anywhere in the solar system. Our robot
>> probes have now visited every planet and most large moons. There is no sign
>> of intelligent life anywhere in the solar system. So if there are non-human
>> visitors they must have crossed interstellar space. To do that, they have
>> to be far advanced over us. We could not begin to do that, except -- as I
>> noted -- with tiny spacecraft that cannot be controlled when they arrive.

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