You cannot teach Jed

As member of the FM the ruling USA sect he has to spread, what his buddies tell him else he will get problems.

Others would say it more rigorously. In case of the Mizuno LENR protocol he intentionally did spread wrong details. So he is a professional cheater.

We know this because in the mean time the Mizuno patent is available that refutes all rubbish Jed did claim.

Regarding Ivermectin:: Doing an RCT study for a deadly illness is a sign of mental illness. But exactly this is what Jed references. RCT studies for CoV-19 can only be done among very mild cases that are completely irrelevant for the medical outcome of the pandemic. Nevertheless. All these studies show what I said 2 mails earlier. If you take Ivermectin then after 2 days CoV-19 is gone.

The best such study comes from Israel and does a full PCR control on each day!  OF course big pharma never references it....


On 10.09.2021 03:11, Jonathan Berry wrote:
Oh Jed you really do just love the Pharma lies don't you.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

First off there have been no deaths ever from overdosing with it, a woman who took x100 times the recommended dosage was fine after 4 days in hospital.

The negative effects from it are rare, mild and mostly related either to insane dosing (which is a result of it not being prescribed by doctors) and it killing parasites that release toxins.

But effectiveness is absolutely conclusive but to do it justice I'll do that in another post, but the fact remains if there is no harm (except to parasites and apparently Cancer) then why oppose people trying it?

Why are they making up lies about it flooding emergency rooms when the hospital has never treated anyone for it ever?

Why are they making up fake studies that don't exist?

Why are they pushing an experimental that contains the harmful spike protein that has little beneficial effect and obvious harm?

Why are trying to make it harder to enter accounts of Vaccine harm in the VARS database?  They have been caught making it intentionally hard with slow loading and timeouts in the Canadian system.

All for a Virus that finally it has been admitted Faucci lied about, & was involved with making, the evidence for it being gain of function research.

On Fri, 10 Sept 2021 at 09:14, Jed Rothwell < <>> wrote:

    Jürg Wyttenbach < <>> wrote:

        We no longer need any Ivermectin studies as we have real data
        from 1'000'000'000 people that now no longer worry CoV-19.

    Leading Indian epidemiologists say there is no evidence that
    ivermectin had an effect in India. They were interviewed in the
    New York Times and elsewhere. Epidemiologists are better at
    judging these things than doctors in the field. Doctors have often
    been mistaken about the efficacy of a drug. The epidemiologists
    say the curves of the recent outbreaks indicate the epidemic
    abated because of natural herd immunity in the hard hit districts.
    The doctors took antibody tests from a sample of the population.
    They found that the infection rate was far higher than official
    statistics showed. It was high enough to achieve local herd
    immunity. Local herd immunity is why there are multiple waves of
    an epidemic in different cities over time.

    Double-blind tests of ivermectin show either a very small effect,
    or none at all, so it is not possible it has had a giant effect on
    the Indian population. The doctors in the field are not more
    skilled in administering the drug than the doctors doing the
    double-blind tests. The doctors in the field have described their
    methods, dosage and so on. Clinical double-blind tests did not
    replicate their claims. When a drug has a small effect at best,
    the way ivermectin does, the only way to confirm that effect is
    with a double blind test.

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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