Jonathan Berry <> wrote:

Jed, You point me to a study where it was tested this way suitably, I
> suspect it will have been highly flawed if that was the result.

I suspect you will say that any result you disagree with is flawed by

But you are missing my point. Even if we assume the most positive studies
are correct, the effect is still marginal. It cannot explain the events in
India. The drug cannot be used instead of vaccines. If you are vaccinated,
there is no need to use ivermectin or anything else, including drugs that
we know actually work, such as remdesivir. We don't need these things any
more than we need iron lungs and the various therapies for dealing with
polio symptoms. The vaccine all-but ensures you will not get a serious
case. A third booster reduces the likelihood of infection by 95%. The
problem is fixed. The pandemic can easily be eradicated, and driven into
extinction in the human species. Vaccines are far cheaper than any other
drug. Even if ivermectin works, you have to take it for days, and you are
sick while you do that, which costs you a lot in lost productivity. Whereas
two doses of vaccine cost practically nothing.

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