by then the lid gets put on the pot.

No vote is needed.<< -> so no freedom of choice

as for "legal" -> the rules just change to suit the dictator. For instance in Nazi Germany it was probably not legal to be anti-nazi.

The government has been working with publishers for the benefit of the public since colonial times.<<


------ Original Message ------
From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
To: "Vortex" <>
Sent: Monday, 20 Sep, 21 At 16:29
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Copy of "A Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion" without YouTube ads

ROGER ANDERTON < <> > wrote:

government and big tech working together is fascism -> the electorate didn't vote for that

No vote is needed. The government and big tech both have the right of free speech, and the right to do whatever they like as long as it is legal. The electorate cannot take away their right to cooperate with one another, or to collaborate. The electorate cannot vote to close down or forbid me from uploading documents from NASA, which I did recently. <>

wel its all about boiling the frog, take small steps in increasing what the frog has to tolerate until kill it

There is nothing remotely wrong with the government and publishers working together. The government has been working with publishers for the benefit of the public since colonial times. In some cases, the government and publishers worked together for nefarious purposes, but they both have the right to do that. If you, or some other member of the public, or the electorate as a whole moved to stop that cooperation -- or forbid it -- that would be a far greater threat to freedom than cooperation between publishers and the government. It would be as much of a threat as the Biden administration trying to stop FOX News from lying about the vaccines. Anyone who knows the difference between DNA and RNA can see that FOX News is lying about the vaccines. I am sure the management at FOX has high school level knowledge of biology. So they are lying. But it would violate the constitution to order them to shut up. The administration has every right to point out they are lying, and to ask them to stop. It should do that! But it cannot order them to stop publishing lies.

By the way, that meme about frogs in hot water is a myth. It is not a bit true. As soon as water gets uncomfortably hot, the frog will jump out.

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