Axil Axil—

I consider the physics discussed in the items you have referenced do not have a 
logical basis, since there is no assumption of cause and effect.  This  
situation avoid the application of the scientific method IMHO.

SMOKE AND MIRROWS come to mind.  A better summary than
energy being coughed up by the vacuum would be the “hand of God”  takes charge 
of the collapse of QM systems when humans look too closely.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 2:11 AM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

Because the nuclear level processes that occur in the Reaction are confined to 
a quantum mechanical system that is coherent, that nuclear reaction is not 
possible to observe. This means that if particles are generated and energy is 
produced, those particles and that energy is not observable to the observer. 
This is known as the "Measurement problem".

After the coherence of the quantum system is destroyed, the quantum system 
becomes a classical system in which energy can be observed. But this energy is 
not nuclear energy but energy derived from the vacuum as rendered by "vacuum 
decay" where a small amount of residual energy and matter stored in the quantum 
system is released in a disruptive process of system disintegration and 
therefore such residual matter and energy becomes  observable.

There is a causal disconnection between the processes that happen in which the 
quantum system is coherent and the disrupted release of stored residual matter 
and energy that is released during the destruction of the erstwhile quantum 

If particles were produced during the time when the quantum system was 
coherent, those particles would not have been observable. It is a fool's errand 
to try to make sence of the quantum processes that had occured when the quantum 
system was coherent. This observation and its understanding is not possible 
because the expectations of the classical world do not apply to the processes 
that were quantum coherent and rendered unobservable.

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 8:39 PM<> 
<<>> wrote:
Nuclear magmatic resonance [phenomena are the basis for the desogn and 
operation of common MRI maschines of used by the medical business.

A metastable nuclear at a small energy above the stable state of a target 
isotope is produced by a radio frequency  photon  in resonance with the 
differential energy between the 2 states.

A  magnetic field is applied to the target isotope to  allow  a resonant to 
react with the isotope and raise its energy slightly.

The magnetic is shut off and the target isotope returns to is grouind state 
with the emission of a photon to conserve energy and angular momentum of the QM 


Bob Cook

PS:  My work with NMR was 60 years ago in 19621.

Sent from Mail<> for Windows

From: Axil Axil <<>>
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2021 5:59:44 PM
To: vortex-l <<>>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Freire et al., Preliminary survey on cold fusion

Thankyou for your opinion. A nuclear reaction produces energy from a change in 
the binding energy of the nucleus. When this binding energy changes, the 
nucleus will become unstable where the liberated binding energy is oftentimes 
carried away by a particle(s) exiting the nucleus.

If the Reaction is based on a nuclear reaction, particle emissions are to be 
expected. The lack of particle emissions in the Reaction was and still is a 
major factor in the lack of acceptance by the science community that the 
nuclear based explanation of  the Reaction is real.

By the way, Holmlid's observation that particles were produced by his Reaction 
has not been seen by his replicators. It looks like what Holmlid was seeing 
were EVOs produced by the ultra dense hydrogen as detected by Sveinn Ólafsson 
's cloud chamber.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 8:01 PM Jürg Wyttenbach 
<<>> wrote:


You basically are a nonsense talker with no clue of real dense matter physics.

A particle emission is associated with a momentum.  How do you believe that 
mass at rest can produce this???????????????????????????????

On 04.12.2021 19:36, Axil Axil wrote:
Also identify what fusion and/or fission reaction that this gamma radiation is 
coming from. Show proof that this radiation is associated with particle 
emissions. Nuclear reactions produce well defined particle emissions. Also 
explain how the reaction is being produced. Keep in mind that high energy 
radiation can be produced by breaking radiation from high energy electrons. 
These high energy electron based wide continuous spectrum reactions are not 
necessarily nuclear reactions.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 1:10 PM Jürg Wyttenbach 
<<>> wrote:

May be soon if the standard model  mafia will not oppose....

On 04.12.2021 18:59, Jones Beene wrote:

Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:

Axil, I can send you any time a gamma spectrum with 300 active lines from a 
cold fusion reaction...

Is this work published?

It should be included in the LENR/CANR library, especially if the gamma lines 
support a theory


Jürg Wyttenbach

Bifangstr. 22

8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18

+41 79 246 36 06


Jürg Wyttenbach

Bifangstr. 22

8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18

+41 79 246 36 06

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