Jones; Nice, but I personally do not feel that the issue is that of OU H2
production to seal a Hydrogen fueled environment.

I have stated on vortex before that the problem is not in getting the
Hydrogen (nullifying Faraday), but what do you do with it when you get it?

I will stick my big fat foot in my mouth here, but lets assume I can provide
Hydrogen from water in excess of COP>1. Now what are we going to do with it
where the conversion does not eat up this gain? ICE engine is out!, at least
in present configuration and will take years to change once they start,
unless we turn it all over to Toyota or some other off island company. Fuel
Cell is out, poor recovery, waste in general. Now this may be because no one
wants to make a good economical cell (like solar cells, always promised and
never seen) of it is again years off.

Bottom line is if Hydrogen could for pennies be produced (forget Faraday),
how do you get back the energy without dropping the COP<1 during the

I have looked at just burning the stuff to boil water for a steam engine
running a generator, what a loss indeed.

If some one would give me an off the shelf way to use the Hydrogen that
would power a generator and not dump the gain, I want to talk....

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 2:02 PM
To: vortex
Subject: [Vo]: High efficiency electrolysis

This is the only valid scientific way that I know of, to use ambient or
environmental heat, to achieve (arguable) overunity. Any school kid can
do this on a very small scale (few bubbles), but if you are only looking
simply for a single example for that contention, for whatever purposes -
then this is it ;-)

About every 6 months or so (used to be yearly), this subject keeps
reappearing on Vo and other sites. Ah...Ultra high efficiency
electrolysis - so close and yet so far away -- as it is involved
tangentially in LENR / CF, and also in the Thermacore-type cell
(hydrino). Anytime protons are involved, ZPE also comes into play, in
the minds of some theorists.

Without high efficiency electrolysis, there can be no valid "hydrogen
economy" but with it, there can. It is that simple.

There are always better uses for storing or using electricity - than
splitting water, unless you can do that at about double the normal
Faradaic rate. Ultra high efficiency electrolysis is the least
controversial solution  to so many geo-eco-political problems involving
transportation fuel, or  renewables but unlike other schemes, there is
already in place valid scientific evidence for this "extra" or
free-energy source. Not saying "uncontroversial" just "valid" to the
point of view of the writer. Fusion or hydrinos may not be OU in any
scientific sense, but they are clearly "free energy" in  the sense of
being exploitable on a small scale at higher efficiency than combustion,
and without the toxicity of nuclear energy, as we know it.

Never mind that the LENRers don't trust the Hydino-Heads, and vice
versa... The answers are out there, and they involve both camps. And for
that reason, there are probably more water-splitters on this forum per
capita than anywhere else on the net, short of the
blind-leading-the-blind Joe-Cell participants.

Between all the water splitters and all the hair-splitters, we could set
up a chapter of Slitters-Anonymous on Vo - 12 steps to easy OU recovery,
so to speak [tried that quip a few years ago, but got no LOL's].

"Electrolysis via pH differential" is the new paper in question. This
was posted on another forum, and I haven't got hold of it yet, but the
paper seems to have implications for hydrino exploitation, and for
getting a peroxide by-product and hydrogen out of an electrolysis cell,
instead of H2 and O2.

This is highly advantageous. It is almost identical to the work in India
of Prof R. P. Viswanath of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,
covered in a thread hear a couple of years ago. He was successful in
using a compartmentalized electrolytic cell - and splitting water into
hydrogen and oxygen at a lower potential of around 0.90 V compared to
the 1.23V theoretical minimum. This is a fairly high and proven COP,
derived from ambient heat -- but catch-22 the reaction rate is snail paced.

But - he did not fully exploit the highest pH differentials. Anyone,
even me, can accomplish this dual-cell  thing on a small scale, but
doing it commercially on a large scale is another problem altogether.

The present paper dates back to 1981, and may have influenced Viswanath.
Omar Teschke from Brazil found you "should" get even better effects when
you separate the anode from the cathode & alter the pH much more
strongly. The paper is accessible (for a price):

Theoretically you can do overunity electrolysis of water at STP with
1.23V, if  heat is continually added (i.e. the process draws heat from
the surroundings & cools down). With no heat the thermoneutral potential
(i.e. voltage you actually require) is 1.47V.

All of this is muddled by the situation of getting peroxide as an
intermediary, which makes everything look better that H2/O2 (both the
manufacture and the  conversion efficiency is increased with H2/HOOH as
the end products)

Omar Teschke worked out theoretically that oxygen comes out of a dual
electrolyte cell when the voltage is only 0.8V IF (big if) the pH is 14
(i.e. totally alkaline)leaving peroxide and little O2. Whereas, at pH 0
(i.e. totally acid), hydrogen is theoretically released at the same low
half-cell  potential.

Anyway, he "predicted" but did not experimentally confirm that it should
be possible to decompose water with only around 0.4V if you can separate
effectively the anode from the cathode BUT keeping each in highly
differing pH solutions, and heated, and with adequate charge transfer
(via protons).

A self-powering situation for automotive would need to be around this
level, and that is so advantageous that the addition of radioactivity
should [and will] be contemplated in the future. Few can rationally
object to using radioactive waste for this purpose, rather than storing
it in a cave. Like it or NOT, we have this sour-lemon radwaste problem
now, and perhaps we should be turning lemons into lemonade.

The main problem, as always, is in finding a suitable separation
membrane. The problem is a function of dielectric strength, and partly
in corrosion resistance. For that reason - and with all the new emphasis
on batteries theses days (EEStor) and the emphasis on ultracapacitors
and dielectrics, one might suspect that a technical solution to the
membrane-problem may not be far away, in the form of barium titanate or
boron nitride. It should be noted that boron fibers are available now
(used in high-tech golf equipment, believe it or not) and that a thin
tightly wovern fabric of boron fibers, when nitrided and then coated on
the acid side (cathode) with a thin proton conductor, might be an ideal

Teschke made a prototype cell, with an available (less than
satisfactory) membrane to separate the solutions, but he didn't get a
decent rate of gas production until around 1.2V. This is in keeping with
the results of Prof R. P. Viswanath - who in fact did better. Neither
used radioactivity, such as plated thorium for the electrodes.

So, at this stage, it is one more small step in the progression to what
may be a back-door into a hydrogen economy. The problems of keeping two
solutions of massively different pHs in virtual contact with each other
is daunting. And for getting a boost from alpha emission (or rad-waste)
the problem is political... or getting a boost from LENR or the hydrino,
the problem is technological and funding.

But the only way that a hydrogen economy can ever take hold is that you
make the fuel "on the fly" -in situ- in the automobile using parastic
energy refluxing and ultra high efficiency electrolysis. In that case,
your main ecological detriment is the heat.


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