Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Harry Veeder wrote:
>> What makes you sure that COP measurements are not vital to understanding
>> the phenomena?
> I think this question is addressed to Ed Storms, but he is probably
> sick of responding, so let me answer one last time.
> The required level input power is governed by mundane electrochemical
> considerations, such as the distance between the anode and the
> cathode. These considerations are well understood, so there is no
> point to bothering with them. We can improve the COP anytime, but
> that proves nothing and contributes nothing to our understanding of
> the phenomenon. 

So most reseachers claim they (implicitly) know enough about the phenomena
to improve the COP, but it is beneath them to test this claim??

> A cold fusion cell is not designed to be efficient or
> to have a high COP; it is designed to reveal something important
> about the phenomenon. In some cases, generating a high COP would
> actually interfere with the observations you are trying to perform.
> In other cases it would simply waste the researcher's time and money.

> As I mentioned, the only reason anyone wants to raise the COP is to
> improve the calorimetry, and increase the s/n ratio. This can also be
> done by other means, which are sometimes easier or better.

It is time for more science, and fewer "I-don't-do-engineering" excuses.


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