On Oct 26, 2007, at 9:23 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

--- Horace

That could be indicative of a what one would
expect from ZPE  coherence - which is a THERMAL LOSS
of one form of energy as  ambient energy is converted
to another form(light) but at the same time the LoT
are being maintained.

I would think just the opposite were true.  If ZPE
is tapped then the temperature should rise.

But that would violate the LoT.

No more than solar energy on a solar cell does.

There is plenty of
evidence that these laws are always valid.

I can't believe my ears! Jones Beene claiming the Laws of Thermodynamics are always valid! 8^) The world is turned on its head. 8^)

If temperature drops then this is a sign of
a Second Law of Thermodynamics violation.

Not under my interpretation of that which is that ZPE
in effect "props up" the thermal spectrum;

Where is the evidence for that?

ZPE is not carried by real photons. If ZPE consisted of real photons then film would automatically expose at a phenomenal rate. Real radiometers, the kind built to work in pure vacuum and spin toward the dark side, would spin much faster, even in the dark. We could travel through intergalactic space using ZPE photon sails that are reflective on one side and absorbing on the other. Things just don't work that way. ZPE flux goes through ordinary matter like it's not there. Its effects are so subtle they are even difficult to prove. The energy flux of the ZPF would have long ago been noticed if it heated up ordinary matter by the amount you suggest, e.g. a degree C.

I think the zero point field (ZPF) is comprised of virtual photons, sometimes transforming upon interaction to virtual particles. Some scientists even think the ZPF energy itself is virtual. See:


From the above, according to John A. Wheeler, “…elementary particles represent a percentage-wise almost completely negligible change in the locally violent conditions that characterize the vacuum.” Tht akind of activity would not go unnoticed, nor would it associated mass. For sure, if ZPE were real in the sense that E = m c^2, then the gravitational mass density of ZPE would be astronomical and gravity could not work as it does. I think that is strong evidence the ZPF is carried by virtual photons and further, that virtual photons carry no mass charge. See:


Virtual photons carry near field effects. The ZPF is not a field in the ordinary sense though. It is a vibrational field, consisting of virtual photons coming from every direction. Virtual photons of the ZPF exert the Zitterbewegung, provide the energy behind the uncertainty principle. In my opinion, ZPE only becomes real and useful when the waveforms of particles are sufficiently confined. The cubic distribution energy levels are only significant at very short wavelengths, so only the tiniest things, like nuclei, can couple to them to extract significant energy.

The effects of ZPE are normally unseen - i.e.

Don't think so. What are you basing that on?

See above.

Removing ZPE, as caused in a thin gap, should not
drop temperature, should it?

Let's say that "ambient" is 300 K. Solar input and
heat from the earth provide most of that. However,
just as in "space" (not interstellar but
interplanetary) where the actual temp seldom drops
below ~150 K even in the "shade" then to me this could
indicate that the lowest or bottom level of earthly
"ambient" i.e. the bottom 100 degrees has a ZPE

This "bottom" props up the rest and when some is
removed, the system seems to cool.

The temperature of a mass is the result of the *balance* of the energy flow into and out of the mass. Black body radiation, convection, and conductive heat flux are all well understood and fully balance in normal circumstances.

Further, virtual (and real for that matter) photons travel at the speed of light. Any deficit would be quickly replaced in the vicinity. Virtual photon flux is for all practical purposes isotropic. If a diode were absorbing ZPE it would cast a spherical ZPE shadow which would diminish as 1/r^2. At the core of the shadow would be a flux deficit of the ZPE equal to the excess power consumption of the diode, say a few mw/mm^2. Since matter couples so poorly to the ZPE this tiny loss of ZPE flux would be undetectable in the surroundings.

Horace Heffner

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