Ed Storms wrote on 1-28-08:

Some problems have no solution. That is not the
issue.  It's the attempt to solve a problem that is
important. Finding a substitute for oil, for example,
may not impact the climate much but it will have many
other benefits ...

Jack Smith writes:

It is critical that we get off oil no matter where it
comes from.  For Americans, this is the issue of highest
national security.  As the world oil glut tips the price
of oil into a precipitous drop, the chance is better than
50% that Bush will attack the Iranian oil fields before
November, 2008, to reduce supply, even at the risk of
closing the Straits of Hormuz, which shouldn't bother
Dubai that ?doesn't have oil?

Jones Beene wrote on 1-28-08:

BTW - to the word-phreak, Dubai is this strange little
oil-poor, but asset-rich, emirate on the Gulf (both Persian
and Texan, by abstraction) which is pronounced the same
as its essential mandate: Do-Buy ...

[Jerome] Kerviel is the so-called "rogue" trader (or
scapegoat) who is taking the heat for the recent French
banking scandal ... which is becoming a story with many
far-reaching tentacles- there are whispers of Halliburton,
a secret CIA-Clique (reminiscent of the Star Chamber),
the Bin-Laden option"trades", secret infiltration of the
European banking system by ArAms, and it all may eventually
get back to our beloved (and aptly-named) "Vice" President.

Keep you eye on this site for upcoming salacious details:


BTW an "ArAm" is short for ArabAmerican, which is more an
earned distinction, based on avarice ... more than anything
racial or ethnic.  It comes from the former 'suits' of this
outfit, which is now the largest corporation in the World,
Exxon notwithstanding:


They (ArAms in general and Aramco in particular)
actually have far more net wealth than the entire United
States of America ... which recently, under the watchful
anti-terrorist-eyes of the Bush Administration, has sunk
to become a net-debtor nation. (no exaggeration)

Jack writes:

The Oil Gang is insatiable.  They are like vampires who,
when gorged on blood, want it more than ever.  They will
certainly get what they can before their boy leaves office.

Jones wrote:

... Don't know if all of the above was necessary to get a
grip on this- but here is an understated story from Reuters
which may illustrate some of this problem of trying to
determine "what is real" and what is abstraction, in the
News of the day.

HONG KONG - Incredulous equity traders said on Monday they
wanted a better explanation from Societe Generale for how
a single rogue trader managed to build up a $73 billion
position and cause the French bank to lose $7 billion.

"I think most people are just astonished that someone
could get away with that kind of trade for so long
without being noticed," said Matt McKeith, head of
equity dealing at First State Investments in Hong Kong.
"I'd always be slightly suspicious of the company line in
these circumstances."

Societe Generale said the trader, 31-year-old Jerome
Kerviel, created fictitious accounts to make it look as
though his positions had been covered, when in fact they
remained unhedged, and falsified documents to justify
his actions.

Jack writes:

Hi Jones.  Would you please give me the url for the above
Reuters story?

Jones wrote:

[SocGen almost immediately called for an equity
"infusion". Translation- a shift in ownership. No problem
there, right Do-Buy?]

Equity traders were foxed by the explanation, especially
since the relatively lowly Kerviel appeared to make no
personal profit from his gamble, and were flummoxed as to
his motives.

[Personal profits can be sown in Paree, and harvested
in Do-Buy]

BTW Kerviel, at the time of this incident, was making about
one-tenth the salary of a Wall Street trader with the
same responsibility; and French Banks are notorious for
low bonuses. No wonder he was so easy to recruit. Bottom
line for Jerry?

Even after a short stint (for his health) in La Santé,
Kerviel if he is not "Vinced" as they say, will probably
have some nice 'digs' waiting for him in the world's
tallest hotel ...

Jack writes:

The construction (?tallest hotel?) going on in Do-Buy is
almost beyond belief -- talk about the Tower of Babel.
Where is all this money coming from?  Didn't they offer
to buy out the U. S. port operations?  Didn't they just
pump billions into Citibank?  Is there a list of this
stuff somewhere?  How many trillions has the Bush family
(extended) made since 9-11-01?

As a side note, I recently saw "The Good Shepherd" which,
along with a lot of Skull and Bones footage, says that a
founder of the CIA was blackmailed by the Russians into
telling them where and when the Bay of Pigs invasion was
to take place.  So JFK was hit by the Mafia by mistake?
(A Mafia hit is just one theory -- there is a JFK plan to
tell the public about contact with aliens, a JFK withdrawal
from Viet Nam, JFK issuing Treasury bills like Lincoln
issued greenbacks, etc.)

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