Howdy Richard, what makes you think the classical glass tube dielectric barrier discharge ozone production process (which you are using IIRC) can be >improved upon, and what's troubling about it?


Several things Michel.
The demand is increasing, ozone gas is expensive, ozone doesn't store like chlorine so it's made on the job, it's not a universal like liquid bleach. The process is tricky so locating a ozone generator in a wastewater plant using unskilled labor can take years off your life.
Richard's solution ??  ask the Vorts, of course.
The collection of wisdom in VortexL exceeds even the accumulated brainpower of the Dime Box saloon's scientific advisory panel which includes several ex politicians and busted bankers. The suggestion for using a parabolic reflector for directing the UV lamp output was an example of how this group operates.. good idea. This has led to thinking of "why" not consider a UV lamp does not have to be shaped like a tube. hmm Our task in this grand scheme is to build a mixer that will mix ozone. We decided the solution was to take a bubble of ozone, place it on a sledge hammer and hit it with another sledge hammer.. shazzaam! instant dissolved ozone. Translated... slice water under presssure at above 125 f/s velocity and the collapse behind will sledgehammer the bubble.. "velocity shear". Howdy to you too! Michal. darn if we don't have you talking like a Texan.. what will Germany and France think of you ?

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