Jones Beene wrote:

> Won't matter.. it over,it's in the past.. in today's world, anything being instant attention is past tense.

Unfortunately, you are probably right - especially with the massive payoff$$ to the families of the 3000+ victims - some of whom otherwise would never let the story die. Is this a case of 'buying silence' to some degree?

That's nothing Jones! Those people hardly matter. The massive payoff must have gone to the engineering firms and consulting engineers worldwide who reviewed the NIST report. Thousands and thousands of them, in every country. Not to mention the entire NYFD, as I mentioned. Not only did they agree to go along with the conspiracy, they agree to have several hundred of their own people killed in the so-called "attack" and "fire." Of course it isn't hard to buy off the world's largest, most credible and professional fire department. As a rule, firemen could not care less how many of their colleagues you kill. It just opens up promotions. They are notorious for that. They will keep arson a secret if you buy them a round of beers.

There is no doubt this conspiracy was well planned. Within minutes of the crash, the conspirators must have rushed into engineering firms in the UK and the US and paid the experts there to predict publicly that the towers would soon collapse.

This is the third largest conspiracy of scientific & engineering experts in recorded history. Numbers 1 and 2 are:

1. Cold fusion, of course. 4000 experts in a huge variety of fields such as electrochemistry calorimetry and mass spectroscopy have all been paid off to pretend that the results are positive. They have also been paid to have their reputations trashed and their careers ruined. Why anyone would pay these people to do this is a complete mystery since there is no conceivable benefit to anyone, but that only makes it more obvious that it must be a conspiracy. Perhaps it is an effort to discredit over unity energy research.

2. Climate change. Need I say more? Not only have the conspirators paid off thousands of experts, they actually managed to melt all the ice at the North Pole with machinery that no one can conceive of, just as Michael Crichton and other distinguished experts predicted they would do. Again, there is no conceivable benefit to doing this but that confirms it must be a conspiracy. Not sure who is behind this, other than Al Gore, of course.

3. Your conspiracy. Small potatoes really.

What is astounding about conspiracies #1 and 3 is that Steve Jones discovered them and no one else noticed or has any evidence they exist! Jones is an astounding scientist. As he said in the video, an experiment trumps a computer model. He should know! His cold fusion debunking experiment is a classic case. He proved that there is significant recombination in all cold fusion experiments -- including even ones with closed cells! -- by the simple technique of reducing power by a factor of 1000 and using a cell of the wrong shape. You have to wonder why others did not think of doing this. As Melvin Miles put it, why stop there? Why not throw some finely divided platinum into the electrolyte as well?

Steve Jones's personal credibility in this and all other claims is at a world-class level of zero to five significant digits. Jones Beene also has some problems with trifling details such as not knowing NIST from UL, plus apparently he just discovered that government agencies are run by appointees. This has been true for 220 years but no doubt it is a shocking revelation.

Actually, in the case of NIST (and many other agencies) the Bush administration has not bothered to appoint a director and the deputy director is running the place. He is Dr. J. Turner, and:

"He holds degrees in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D.) and Johns Hopkins University (B.A.), and taught for five years as an Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering at Morehouse College."

He has various other token qualifications such as the U.S. Government Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Service (which any fool can score -- heck, my mother got one), three U.S. Department of Energy Exceptional Service Award, the Secretary of Energy Gold Award and the National Nuclear Security Administration's Gold Medal and various other awards that they hand out like cracker jacks toys at these places. Obviously a sham and a pushover. No doubt the others at NIST are no better qualified.

- Jed

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