Howdy Steven,
I don't know why the 9/11 buildings collapsed because I wasn't there. One building collapse under these circumstances does raise an eyebrow,,, two buildings collapse under identical circumstances stretches the imagination... 3 buildings collapse in like circumstances with no plane hitting the 3rd building is beyond belief.. not even a drunk at the Dime Box Saloon would buy it. NIST used Occam's razor to "shave" the circumstanes to meet the contract stipulations.. leaving a little shaving cream.. or is that egg on their face.. I saw a woman leap to her death to escape the flames. All I do know is that the people responsible for this tragedy were watching on TV. Who were they? People with very strong stomachs.
When they face the Lord.. they better have !!

OrionWorks wrote,
For me, Occam's Razor suggests a less glamorous conclusion.

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