Jones Beene wrote:

> I mentioned before there had been a valid demolition permit issued by
> the City to the WTC owners (the Port Authority) - after the 1993
> incident - and there are reports from around that time period from
> contractors that themite was actually loaded into parts of the structure
> at that time.

Who can doubt this happened? People routinely haul tons of hazardous material into large buildings in New York City, obviously preparing the building for demolition, and no one ever says a word about it. Ask anyone who lives in New York: this happens several times a week. Also, office workers in New York are known for meekly and passively going along to get along. They never complain about noise or commotion. I am sure you could gut hundreds of rooms on several floors of the building, and fill them with tons of hazardous materials and heavy wires and other gear, and no one would say anything or complain. People in New York City just don't like to complain or make a scene.

Just like the NYFD -- you can kill off a few hundred of their guys, and even though they have photos proving you are guilty, you know they will not say anything or do anything, It's because they are such nice people! So accommodating! They hate to complain or make a fuss about a little thing like the worst crime of arson in history.

- Jed

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