
> I've been reading this subject thread off and on for some time, and
I'm curious about a couple of things... Is it the implication that Cheney 
either directly or indirectly was responsible for destroying the WTC and/or 
surrounding buildings?

Never heard that one before.


It is clear that Al Qa'ida "did it" and probably did it (mostly) alone. The 
only question for me is: did they have any help at all, either before or after; 
either planned or **inadvertent** i.e. gross negligence and cover-up (read on)

> WHY?

They hate us, and for good reason. In 1993 Ramzi Yousef and others bombed the 
WTC and it all goes back to then - as WTC became a symbol of radical islam of 
everything they hate about the West.

> As the famous saying of a prior "gate" scandal goes (slightly altered
here): What did the VP know and when did he know it?

It is premature to even suggest Cheney was involved. This is even more 
unfounded (so far) than that there could have been a missile. 

Some of the more preposterous theories could have been planted by the guilty 
parties themselves, however, to cover up the real "trail" of culpability - by 
lumping everyone who doubts the NIST into the same mold.

The first thing which needs to be done is to confirm the presence or absence of 

This is where the "big lie" starts and ends. If there was no thermite, then 
that to me would be the end-of-story.

NIST, to everyone's utter amazement, totally dodged this issue; nor did they 
address the large number of PROVED and documented reports at the NYC Fire Dept 
has on file - of large pools of molten steel - up to three weeks after the 
tragedy. You can see this with your own eyes- this is true beyond all doubt, 
and not even addressed by NIST. 

Take it one step at a time. IF thermite was there, then how did it get there?

There could possibly be a valid but "non-conspiracy" excuse for it (but it 
would have put NYC and Giuliani -  Silverstein in severe financial jeopardy.  

I mentioned before there had been a valid demolition permit issued by the City 
to the WTC owners (the Port Authority) - after the 1993 incident - and there 
are reports from around that time period from contractors that themite was 
actually loaded into parts of the structure at that time.  It should have been 
removed, but was it? and if not, why not? 

.... that has never even been addressed because of the high level coverup which 
only goes as high as Giuliani - for now.

Don't forget that untill just a few months ago Giuliani was the GOP frontrunner 
and many though he would be Bush's successor. 

Not a smoking gun yet, but just pools of molten iron....


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