Thousands of innocent people died on Sept 11, 2001. Most died quickly,
mercifully. But some I suspect died slowly and horribly. As human
beings it seems to be in our nature to ponder how devastating events
of this nature could be allowed happen. Why? We ask ourselves. SOMEONE
MUST HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE, we end up asking ourselves. We fool
ourselves into thinking that if we could just answer all the HOWs and
WHYs that somehow this horrible event will be become more fathomable
to our traumatized psyches.

Considering the unfathomables, I would agree with those who believe it
is premature to even suggest that Cheney was involved. Personally, I
think it's absurd, despite the fact that I don't trust him.

Blissfully ignorant as I may be, I remain unconvinced that an
additional conspiracy had to have been involved other than by Al
Qa'ida's doing. And while I'm on the "WHO DID IT" rant I doubt Al
Qa'ida needed assistance from us, no matter how convert or underhanded
such "assistance" it has been speculated may have been.

For me it comes down to the notion that I see no personal benefit in
entertaining myself in highly charged and intriguing emotional
scenarios where I must believe (or at least suspect) that a diabolical
conspiracy had been concocted by what must have been a secret cabal
from within our own country whose objective it has been speculated was
to bring down several NY buildings (and unfortunately murder several
thousand human beings - as unavoidable collateral damage) all in order
whip up sufficient U.S. public sentiment so that we would be willing
to wage war against all those oil rich evil anti-Christian nations of
the east, presumably so that eventually we (the good guys) can
establish some kind of Judeo-Christian Western Style Global Order
through out the entire planet.

Let me be clear on one point: I think very little of the current
presidential administration, particularly how this administration
duped itself into believing that it could win a cost-effective war to
be paid by Iraqi oil revenues, and in the process initiate "regime
change" to boot! Bush once scrawled on a piece of paper the words "Let
Freedom Ring!" as he handed the note back to Malaki when the Iraqi PM
officially informed Bush that his country had just become solvent.
Bush's words, no doubt intended to instill inspiration, pretty much
sums up just how ignorant and naive this administration has been
through out this entire debacle.

But alas, there are people who need to believe that some nefarious
aspect of the current administration was capable of orchestrating and
pulling off one of the most sophisticated conspiracies in recorded
history. For me, Occam's Razor suggests a less glamorous conclusion.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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