Apologies for the "shouting" in this post!

Rick wrote:
<<The skeptics point to those three things because those things correctly expose the serious problems AGW has - a lack of evidence for CO2 as a cause for warming.>>

There is tons of evidence for CO2 as a (but not the only) cause for warming. The basic theory and experimental evidence goes back over 100 years.

Rick - did you miss that it was Lindzen, the most credible scientist of the delayer/denier lobby saying that there HAS been, and WILL be further, warming and that WE ARE partially responsible for it because of our fossil fuel emissions. HE REALLY SAYS THIS and it is easy to check up because he has been saying much the same thing since the 90's. Because of this, the vast majority of the delayer/denier propaganda can be ignored as mutually contradictory stories made up to deceive people who don't check up the stories they are fed or are too willing to believe what they want to believe. It really seems as if Americans have a much larger per centage of their population who are vulnerable to this professional lying than elsewhere in the world.

Here is another example of Lindzen's position http://outside.away.com/outside/culture/200710/richard-lindzen-1.html "Lindzen doesn't dispute that the planet has warmed up in the past three decades, but he argues that human-generated CO2 accounts for no more than 30 percent of this temperature rise. Much of the warming, he says, stems from fluctuations in temperature that have occurred for millions of years-explained by complicated natural changes in equilibrium between the oceans and the atmosphere-and the latest period of warming will not result in catastrophe."

and also http://www.discussglobalwarming.com/blog/2007/04/09/global-warming-crisis-not-based-in-science-lindzen-speaks-out/ "He doesn't dispute that global warming is happening: There has been a net warming of the earth over the last century and a half, and our greenhouse gas emissions are contributing at some level. Both of these statements are almost certainly true. What of it? "

The most serious scientist that the delayer lobby has got admits that global warming IS happening and that humans ARE responsible for some of it because of our emissions of fossil fuels. He further acknowledges that continuing to increase CO2 levels WILL cause further warming. His only real difference is that he thinks the warming will be a lot less than the IPCC forecasts and that the bad effects will be much less. Having read that, and hopefully having checked it out for yourself, you simply cannot keep stating what you have said previously and retain any credibility.

<<(psst...again, want to bet it's the sun?)>>

Err, no. The irradiance of the Sun has been comprehensively measured and at most 20% of the measured warming is down to this source.

Try looking at this comprehensive rebuttal of some of the myths and false logic purveyed by the deniers and delayers http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument.php

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