On Sep 7, 2008, at 10:57 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Edmund Storms wrote:

So, when the Arctic Ocean is free of ice and the last polar bear is
stuffed and placed in a museum, it will *STILL* not be "obvious" that
humans had any effect at all on the climate:  The apparent connection
will be written off as coincidence, and the models dismissed as
"fallacious", and the additional carbon dioxide and methane dumped into
the atmosphere by humans dismissed as "insignificant" (never mind the
amount, 0.4% was insignificant, so 35% must be insignificant too, and
presumably 75% will be just as "insignificant").

Ed, you cannot convince a "true believer" of anything which is contrary
to his faith.

While I agree completely with you Stephen, the argument for climate change can still be used to the advantage of mankind in spite of the "true believers". In fact, "true believers" on both sides of this or any argument cannot be educated. Only people who can look at reality with an open mind can see the best path. Unfortunately, the number of such people in the US seems to be dwindling. For this reason, open minded people need to unite to fix the problems the "true believers" have created. In fact, that is the basic issue behind the current election in the US. We have been ruled by "true believers" for 8 years with disastrous consequences. Now we have the choice between another "true believer" or an open minded person. Everything else about the candidates is irrelevant.


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