
> but they say 150,000 miles (~10 years) in the original article posted...

Well, here is a directly on-point and long but inconclusive thread on the 


I'm pretty sure that Sony "said" ten year "estimated life" for the laptop 
batteries, too, but they only offered a real "guarantee" of one year -- and 
still had to replace almost everyone they made.

What will be interesting is the firm guarantee that GM finally offers ... after 
raising the estimated price by $5000 more than Lutz was suggesting on the above 
thread.  I think it could be a 10 years guarantee which would be nice if it is 
not highly pro-rated - and that $40,000 sticker shock probably reflects the 
high cost of offering that guarantee.

The $100,000 Tesla Motors car is offering 5 years or 100,000 miles as a 
guarantee, but that is prorated.

I follow the electric bicycle technology, which is kind of a test bed for these 
batteries -- and there are still way too many people reporting early failures 
due to overheating. Some are even using the A123 battery packs which you can 
buy now from Home Depot (for power tools).

The PHEV makes the most sense for France of course, as opposed to the USA - 
since you have clean electric from nuclear. Where are the French car countries 
in this? They should be on the forefront, no?


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