Since we are speculating on presidential outcomes I thought this might
be a good opportunity to share the opinions of a blatantly
unscientific and unverified source - particularly insofar as this
source's take on the election. Please take the following "predictions"
with a grain of salt. ;-)

The election will not be close. The democrats including presidential &
VP candidates Obama & Biden will win by an unprecedented landslide
this November. The reason the polls have appeared so close is that the
pollsters are favoring the polling of undecided voters, which greatly
skews the actual numbers.

A new Republican presidential administration only has somewhere around
a 10% chance of winning the presidential office this November.
However, (and this is the really frightening point, from my POV) if
the Republicans do manage to pull it off and win the presidential
office, the age of the candidate, combined with pressures of acting as
president, combined with PTSD (a diagnosis which BTW was never
officially diagnosed because it would have ended McCain's political
career decades ago), combined with a past history of a virulent form
of cancer which is still in his body, will likely conspire and finish
McCain off within a year after assuming the office. On top of that
McCain isn't all that enthusiastic about being president. He accepted
the role because his party asked him to, and being the good soldier
that he is he wishes to serve his country. Meanwhile, Palin has picked
up on most of these cues. It's why she accepted the VP position. She
knows that it's likely that within a year of assuming the VP, she
would then be president - without actually having to work at it.

And now back to regularly scheduled programming.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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