>From Richard,

> Unless, and this can be troubling ...we have already elected our last
> President. By executive order, the President can now "put off" the next
> election. Yes! the power is in place because executive orders now in place
> permit this "if" a national emergency is declared.
> The existing President can declare a national emergency just as he "declared
> war" in Afghanistan and Iraq.
> Richard

Following up on the same "source": There is the possibility that if
McCain became incapacitated before the the elections are over the
Republicans could wrangle a legal maneuver to stop the orderly
succession of the executive branch. This is why I hope McCain will at
least survives the elections. Incidentally, if this remote possibility
does play out it would obviously mean that Bush would remain in office
- and Bush SOOOO MUCH wants out. He's had it. After the Katrina
disaster it finally dawned on him that "the decider" doesn't really
have all that much executive power to to make national decisions, or
to put it more succinctly, he has finally become more aware of the
fact that few in his administration respect his decision making
powers. It is my understanding that Bush actually wanted to send much
more aid to NO than what was actually sent. He also wanted to make
another public stance (a rousing speech) similar to what he did after
9/11 at ground zero. He felt he was at his best then. Apparently, his
aids nixed those decisions primarily because NO is comprised mostly of
poor non-republican voters. His aids told Bush the administration
really doesn't have the extra man-power and supplies to spare since
all of our national resources are currently up in Iraq right now
fighting against the insurgency. Bush, instead, had to take it on the
chin, so to speak, the brunt of the criticism as the press and public
vilified his apparent lack of insight into handling the NO disaster.
Apparently, Bush no longer thinks being the prez is all that much fun

Owning another baseball team is probably looking a lot more attractive
to Bush these days.

Again, take this all with a grain of salt.

I just hope McCain makes it through the elections.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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