But Obama is a smoker whose parents died early in life.  And Biden has
suffered two brain aneurysms.  If they both die, guess who's the prez?
 ("But everyone knew her as Nancy.")

Prediction:  Considering Biden's latest performances, after the VP
debate, he will pull out "due to health reasons" and then . . . guess
what?!  (Boy girl boy girl)


On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 8:55 PM, OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since we are speculating on presidential outcomes I thought this might
> be a good opportunity to share the opinions of a blatantly
> unscientific and unverified source - particularly insofar as this
> source's take on the election. Please take the following "predictions"
> with a grain of salt. ;-)
> The election will not be close. The democrats including presidential &
> VP candidates Obama & Biden will win by an unprecedented landslide
> this November. The reason the polls have appeared so close is that the
> pollsters are favoring the polling of undecided voters, which greatly
> skews the actual numbers.
> A new Republican presidential administration only has somewhere around
> a 10% chance of winning the presidential office this November.
> However, (and this is the really frightening point, from my POV) if
> the Republicans do manage to pull it off and win the presidential
> office, the age of the candidate, combined with pressures of acting as
> president, combined with PTSD (a diagnosis which BTW was never
> officially diagnosed because it would have ended McCain's political
> career decades ago), combined with a past history of a virulent form
> of cancer which is still in his body, will likely conspire and finish
> McCain off within a year after assuming the office. On top of that
> McCain isn't all that enthusiastic about being president. He accepted
> the role because his party asked him to, and being the good soldier
> that he is he wishes to serve his country. Meanwhile, Palin has picked
> up on most of these cues. It's why she accepted the VP position. She
> knows that it's likely that within a year of assuming the VP, she
> would then be president - without actually having to work at it.
> Shrewd.
> And now back to regularly scheduled programming.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/OrionWorks

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