You know organisations, big plans, fail when the leadership is weak. It's
tragic when people get promoted beyond their ability or the ability of their
ego to contain it all. Then the hangers on smell the carrion.

I'd rather take a quiet role as advisor than the captain of the ship.
Technical knowhow and business don't often mix.

Yeah, the Ivy Leaguers don't know everything but I'd sooner have an Ivy
Leaguer directing it all, peer reviewing, running the whole show, patrician
and patronising as they may be, than submit to the Searls, Steorns, The
Meyers, Mills(?), The Millers(he's a UK phenomenon nipped in the bud),
Newmans, Enrons, Bear Sterns of this world than the totally-gone
laissez-faire alternative.

Jed gave this a few weeks ago.

We need that kind of vision and integrity at the top allied with the private
sector for new energy.

(Drop below the ground state, tsck! bollox! Tricks with wheels and magnets
bollox! 'Tickling phase space', 'The Searl Effect', 'Collateralised debt',
'financial engineering' all bollox and scams! )

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