
Not blowing my own trumpet (I don't need to I've got good support behind me)
this is what an apprentice learns in graduate school:

The subject frontiers
The art of scientific writing
How to do presentations
How to lead
Research Ethics
Writing grant proposals
How to manage time
How to manage people
Life in general

There is more, much more. In fact there is a requirement to actually attend
taught courses as such in UK universities in grad school. If you've done a
lot outside it feels like you are having your style cramped being told how
to write papers, for instance. We all hate these courses. I've done a bunk
on some of them but I'll catch up when they are re-run half yearly.

Now not blowing my own trumpet:
http://uk.geocities.com/remicornwall/PartOutline.pdf. I've got a contentious
idea, right? I learn to keep schtump until I begin (just beginning to) to
pass master with people who are professionals in the field. Yes over the
years I'll get shown the door, insulted, have to put up with fools in high
positions I know I ring circles around (Polytechnic Professors).

*The art of progress is dealing with people, keeping your cool, conceding
when you are wrong, being gentle in victory and DOING THE GODDAM WORK!*

Section by section I write that document in the link above. It will
eventually be cut and pasted into a thesis which I will have to defend.

Sometimes I get pissed off with the whole establishment, down tools for
months, go and do something else. Sometimes I get depressed. Sometimes I
avoid my supervisors. Then I pluck up the courage go and see them and they
are happy to see me. Yes I was annoyed how slow things were going in their
acceptance of my ideas BUT THE CHANGE COMES FROM ME TOO.

I am chuffed that these guys are even bothering. I think for the fees to
attend (I don't pay them now) I get a lot of their wisdom and facilities for
buttons. Like a lawyer might represent you, these guys know how to present
an argument in the court of expert opinion and if you don't take their
advice, then the client is a fool.

Bit by bit I hone the arguments, design experiments, get the grants in, get
the data and do the seminars/write the papers. Leave the knock-out whammy
far-out sh.t to the end. Who knows, ideas at the start may be very different
when at the end: Plasticity in thought.

I am prepared, though with much frustration, to accept the wisdom of others
more experienced than me IF I KNOW THEIR INTENTIONS ARE GOOD. If I smell the
rat of indifference and incompetence I leave the place (yeah Brighton).

I like liberal patricians. I like the good 'ole Ivy league types when
watching BBC4 in programmes like Alan Clarke's "Civilisation" or Simon
Schama on the USA (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00f4zgd). I get to
realise how little I know. I know my limitations. Then again I might think
what Schama says about the US realising that the US dream is dead (war,
environment, finance) is sh.t because he doesn't have the mind of someone
who knows about technology or the sheer optimism and ignorance of someone
not as smart as him to do something everyone thinks is wrong. 

I also like the world outside university and the ability it gives you to run
off and get your own funding when no-one listens. Then again I see the waste
and endless charismatic half-wits with silly permanent magnet motors.

I hate the scam artists, the vain and incompetent. They ruin it for

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