I take it none of you guys has been in Indian traffic or seen the typical 
vehicle mix. A compressed air car would be perfect for India.  Even on the 
highways the speed limit is 60 kph, roughly 40 mph.  It's never that high in 
the cities.

Imagine the type of traffic you get when no one pays any attention to the 
marked traffic lanes except the sacred cattle who line up facing the flow of 
vehicles, looking rather placid and pleased with themselves.

It's not unusual to see a family of five riding a motor scooter. Combine that 
with the autorickshaws with a capacity of four but stuffed with up to 20 people 
and various animal powered carts in addition to conventional autos, and you can 
imagine that the traffic doesn't move too fast. 

Any vehicle that could start and stop in such traffic without the 
inefficiencies of an ICE would be a boon to the average Indian citizen and 
without the expense of a hybrid.  The reduction in air pollution would be an 
improvement in the major cities, where most of the small cars are diesel 



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