Hi Thomas,

I may get a chance to look at the youtube.com video you recommend
tonight. Incidentally, I have no idea what Mr. Dean's position is on
what I presume is the "ET" matter, whatever that is. Shoot! I don't
know what my OWN position is on the matter.


>>> If good Muslims kill all non-muslims why have Jews been
>>> living in their cities for over a millennium?
>>> Because most Muslims are not living their religion by the book!
>>> Only what we refer to as the extremists behave that way.
>>> Most Muslims show much more kindness than that.
> It always seems to come down to: My "book" is better than YOUR "book",
> fill in your favorite title and prose. In every single case that I've
> witnessed, it's individual PEOPLE, their personal interpretations -of
> the book- making the decisions concerning what is "ultimate truth"

> How about this, one of them is god, and the rest aren't.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I gather this implies that you believe
you're one of the lucky ones who found the correct g*d. All the rest
are cheap knock-off imitations. I imagine you must feel fortunate,
very fortunate, indeed.

Perhaps some day in the future we'll all finally meet in the Hall of
the Big Thanksgiving Banquet. We'll have a good laugh at our concocted
misfortunes and harebrained ideas. I'm sure I'll have a few
embarrassing stories to tell at my own expense as well.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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