Jed Rothwell wrote:

William Beaty wrote:

I had a large insight into my own psychology, and theirs. My "inner bigot" tells me exactly what's going on: CF-haters respond to CF supporters in the same way that racists respond to non-whites: with intolerance, with very strong feelings of superiority, and with buried hatred. It's definitely an ego thing, but it seems to better fit the mold of "race hatred."

In the case of the late Douglas Morrison this was literally true. He used to publish papers and give lectures about what he called the "regionalization of results" theory. He made the following assertions:

* Nearly all original scientific work has originated in northern European nations, or by people who in the US who emigrated from northern Europe.

* Cold fusion, which he considered pathological science, had been mistakenly replicated only in southern European nations such as Italy, or non-European places such as Japan and India.

He had a barrage of statistics to prove this theory, which I called his Aryan Science Numerology. He described it in one of his newsletters:

He claims he was "greatly astonished" but in fact he was going around giving lectures about this regionalization theory long before cold fusion emerged. Mallove sent me some Morrison lecture announcements he dug up.

He was a deceitful, spiteful, mean & wretched person, and racist to the core.

Wow, he truely was racist to the core. It's too bad that the Israeli Jews weren't doing any LENR research at the time.

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