Interesting hypothesis.

Some 'substitutes' for racial bigotries come readily to mind: anti-Muslim
(from evangelical Christians and current American society); anti-Semitism
(eg from the Nazis); anti-Palestinians (from Israelis). Perhaps

The need to assert individual or group superiority, I would guess, is based
on an actual sense of inferiority, and if an individual or a group doesn't
have objective reasons to feel good about themselves the only alternative is
to assert the inferiority of others....

The room that this creates for psychopathology and sociopathology is huge.

I would guess that this is a recurring phenomenon in human history and
current events.

What do you think?


-----Original Message-----
From: William Beaty [] 
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Shanahan goes off the deep end!

On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> >I had a large insight into my own psychology, and theirs.  My "inner
> >bigot" tells me exactly what's going on: CF-haters respond to CF
> >supporters in the same way that racists respond to non-whites: with
> >intolerance, with very strong feelings of superiority, and with
> >buried hatred.  It's definitely an ego thing, but it seems to better
> >fit the mold of "race hatred."
> In the case of the late Douglas Morrison this was literally true.

That's simple racism.  But since we can't detect heretics by skin color,
and since "science bigot" is all about detecting inferiors
becomes like a Dr. Seuss book, where they're obsessively trying to
discover whose bellies have stars.

Here's another issue.  Racism is no longer accepted in public!

So what's an insecure hater to do?  They'll need to find some other
"inferiors" who can be safely attacked without drawing public
condemnation.  If it's a widespread problem, then we'd expect to find
large groups of non-racist "bigots" who all managed to find the same
socially-acceptable victims. Then look for the usual "racial" slurs,
hate-group politics, self- congratulatory prose describing their own
superiority and their success at "defending purity," and describing the
inhuman, inferiority of their victims who threaten to contaminate the
world with their dirtyness.  The whole racism nine yards, but directed
against caucasians.  Any groups doing this?

I notice that, in conversing with people from certain online skeptic
groups, they seem driven half insane over the question of whether I'm a
"woo woo" or not.

Am I one of those disgusting inferior enemy types?  Or am I a fellow
scientist skeptic, "one of us?"  This whole issue seems crazy unless you
look at the history of bigots, and their obsession about intermarriage and
the "obvious" differences they emphasize between their superior selves and
the non-white victims.

Regarding skeptics versus woo-woos, isn't there a whole spectrum?  Where
extreme examples are at the ends of the spectrum, with lots of people in
the middle?  Not to a bigot.  Either you're a skeptic colleague and
totally pure, or you're one of the dirty inferior woo-woos, with nothing
in between.  Why?  Simple: people with the wrong skin color are supposed
to be "all the same," disgusting dehumanized stereotypes. And then the
bigot supplies a list of derogatory characteristics which supposedly
describes all their hated enemies.

So, if we on vortex are the dirty woo-woos, then we're all the same, and
not really human.  We're hated stereotypes, not people.  It's critical
that we be dehumanized with no chance to escape it. No woo-woos and
skeptics going out for drinks after the conference; we might accidentally
convince them that we're like them.  We woo-woos are all secretly
creationist fanatics, right?  If we deny it, then we're just lying.  And
we all hate science and want to destroy it for some inscruitable woo-woo
reasons of our own.  We all believe in phrenology AND the flat earth AND
lunar hoax AND cold fusion since we're so disgusting and mindless.  Most
important: a bigot's goal is not to treat us as students, to educate us
and heal our sad ignorance.  The bigot's goal is xenophobia: to stop us at
all costs, lest we overwhelm the carefully defended last bits of unsoiled
purity that remain on earth.

Ok, five in the morning, time to stop.

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com               
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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