At 04:07 PM 10/29/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Michel Jullian wrote:

Why?  Nuclear track counts in a _dry_ SSNTD as in the 2009 SPAWAR
paper , and
as Abd is planning now following Horace's advice, are much easier to
measure, much more sensitive, and much less disputable proofs of LENRs
than calorimetry aren't they?

Not in my opinion. I will not put words in Martin's mouth but I doubt this is his opinion either, and it is his dictum.

Nuclear reactions were first discovered in the late 19th century because they produce excess heat. For some purposes, sensitive calorimetry is still the best way to detect them. I realize that for many purposes particle detection is far more sensitive. But everyone knows that particles are difficult to detect with cold fusion. I presume this is because the ratio of neutrons to heat is 9 to 11 orders of magnitude lower than with conventional fusion, and neutrons appear to be missing altogether in many cases. As far as I know this is also true with co-deposition. I have not heard that the SPAWAR technique boosts the number of neutrons per joule of heat, but only that they have managed to detect the neutrons despite the inherent difficulties. Their cells probably produce macroscopic heat, but they cannot detect it because the equipment is optimized to detect neutrons.

The neutron results have been misunderstood by some. I'm fairly well convinced that they aren't involved in the primary reaction; the neutrons are the effect of secondary reactions caused by the hot helium nuclei; but some of the possible transmutations produced, aside from helium, may produce neutrons. The levels of neutrons, though energetic, are so low that they are obviously not part of the main reaction.

But they indicate that nuclear process is taking place in the cell. Hot alphas, hot enough to create the secondary reactions, could only be from nuclear process, just as the neutrons must be from a nuclear process, at those energies.

The people at SPAWAR have already confirmed heat. They do not need to do this. People starting out on this experiment do need to, in my opinion. Walk before you run. Confirm that you have the effect first, then look for particles. Otherwise you are probably fishing in a dry hole.

Could be. If I don't see neutrons or other radiation, sure. But if I catch a big fish, is it a dry hole?

I do not think many people have been convinced by the SPAWAR results, although of course I acknowledge these results are important.

That announcement caused a vary large shift. It was the Holy Grail, remember? Where are the neutrons? Neutrons were reported, of course, but at such low levels and under conditions that the claim that this was cosmic ray background was at least sort of plausible. Well, now we know: there are neutrons. Very few, but present, not background, not contamination, not equipment failure, etc. And this has mattered to some physicists, who are starting to say, "Well, maybe ...." And that's the foot in the door.

I was convinced by the helium, but didn't think it would be easy to get attention to that. Jed, if I do manage to pull this off, it could easily get some media attention. What do you think that would cause? See, even if there is no coverage, I'll start *advertising*. Real stuff, backed with real reports in peer-reviewed journals. Not Free Energy, the Solution to the World's Energy Problems, not something speculative, merely a reproducible experiment. I can't predict exactly what will happen, but I do predict, it will not be "nothing."

I am not opposed to looking for neutrons! But before you look for them you should confirm that you have a cold fusion reaction, and the one and only certain method of doing this is to confirm excess heat.

Well, the cell is going to be surrounded by styrofoam, holding it in place but also insulating it. The arrangement of the space will be a bit tricky, because I'm planning on mounting the cell to the stage of a somewhat better microscope than I first purchased. I'll try calibrating the setup at least roughly, i.e, such and such a temperature differential corresponds to so much heat being released in the cell, and I'll know the voltage and current, I'll have some idea; I just don't have any particular hope of being able to actually show more than instantaneous excess. I.e., maybe it would be recombination a la Shanahan or something.

Eventually, I want to handle the deuterium gas in a more sophisticated way, but I'm starting out with a purely open cell. Calorimetry is complicated, Jed, I knew that even before you attempted to convince me this was all too hard....

Perhaps in the future particle detection will become the primary means of detecting cold fusion but that is not how things are today.

Well, that started shifting in 2007, with Galileo. Proof of radiation with no attention paid to heat is quite possibly more convincing than proof of heat with no radiation, until the heat *reliably* gets to levels that clearly show nuclear origin (or other unknown process). Radiation shows "nuclear" directly, even small amounts, as long as it can't be ascribed to radon or the like.

Triple tracks, radon? I don't think so.

Lomax suggested that audio noise or possibly light flashes may also be a means of detecting cold fusion. Perhaps that is true. The way to find out is to first confirm there is heat, then listen for audio noise with a microphone. We know there is heat. We do not know if there is audible noise. So look for what you know has to be there if the reaction is occurring, and then look for what you suspect may also be there.

I don't expect "audible noise," as such, though, apparently, according to Ed, there is a lot of bubble noise. But eventually, I'd put together a circuit that would make the high-frequency shocks audible. Filter out the bubble and other ambient noise and process what's left. As to light, it seems likely, that's all. Somebody should look, and it will be very convenient for this project if there is light. People like to *see* stuff, don't you? In fact, if I get sound and no light, I might make light, i.e., use four mikes and process the signal to show location of the epicenter in a visual display. But I prefer real light!

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