On Dec 12, 2009, at 11:59 AM, Steven Krivit wrote:

Dear Horace,

Even if you concur with Storms that the WL theory "suffers from so many basic problems," you have every right to discuss the merits or lack thereof of any theory (WL, Storms/Scanlan, or your own) without being subject to intimidation to suppress discussion.

Is Storms intimidating you? In my opinion, yes. Did you feel the need to defend yourself to him? Apparently so.

I have enormous respect for Ed Storms, even if we might disagree on fundamental points regarding cold fusion and our theories in particular. Our disagreements are technical in nature, and I don't see them as either personalized or intimidating. I am grateful for Ed Storm's criticism and questions because these things have pointed out to me questions that should be answered by my paper, or which I thought were already well answered but which needed clarification, references, or examples, and expect to recognize him by name in my acknowledgements.

Any scientist should be consoled that nature is the ultimate arbitrator of scientific truth, even if not in his lifetime, and intimidated by the fact his theory might not reflect reality.

I expect there is a level of frustration that I can not see clearly his point of view is correct, and vice versa. This problem is pervasive in the field. I think a conflict of views is useful though, and the more views the better until things get solved.

As far as I know, only open science and open discussion is the to sort these things out, not suppression.

Agreed! However, there certainly has been plenty of discussion!! 8^) Perhaps too much for me at the moment because I have to get busy on the Holidays and taxes. I think I'm headed for lurk mode soon. Spending so much time on all this has me in bad stead at home! I actually had to recently put Ed Storms off on discussing things due to being overwhelmed.

Dear Ed,

I bring the theoretical ideas of Lewis Larsen (later developed with the help of Allan Widom and Yogendra Srivastava) because it is the first theory that I see that has - in my opinion - a high probability of explaining most of the LENR experimental phenomena. Of course, I could be wrong and I'm completely willing to be wrong.

You and I have disagreed on this matter for several years now and, as you know, I have been intransigent in my view, despite your numerous attempts to discourage me and New Energy Times from paying attention to it.

But if WL is as bad as you allege, it will die on its own accord and nobody will pay any attention to it. It needs no help from you to discourage me, Horace, or the CMNS field from talking about it.


CMNS: Re: [Vo]:neutron formation in LENR
Date: 12/12/2009 9:23:25
From: stor...@ix.netcom.com
Reply-to: c...@googlegroups.com
To: c...@googlegroups.com
CC: stor...@ix.netcom.com

[STORMS] As for W&L, this theory suffers from so many basic problems, in addition to the one you noted, I'm at a loss as to why it is even discussed.

[HEFFNER] I didn't bring it up. I merely responded to other posters on vortex-l, especially Steve Krivit...I looked back at the thread and see it was begun with a question directed at me by Steve Krivit. The thread can be viewed from the beginning here: http:// www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l%40eskimo.com/msg36350.html

[STORMS] "Yes I know. I should have said I'm at a loss as to why Krivit brings this up.

The CMNS list still leaks like a sieve I see, promptly and voluminously!

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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