In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Wed, 09 Dec 2009 15:09:30 -0500:
>However, from the 
>reported excess heat and from strongly correlated helium 
>measurements, I consider it well established that the primary nuclear 
>ash is helium, and that the primary fuel, the starting point, is deuterium.
The only reason for the existing hot fusion branching ratios is conservation of
momentum in a two particle reaction. If a third particle is available to share
the momentum, but doesn't actually take part in the nuclear reaction, then D + D
can fuse directly to He4.

This scenario might be possible if the fusion reaction occurs very close to
another heavy nucleus. Now suppose that the inner shell electrons of a heavy
atom can catalyze the fusion reaction. Two D atoms/nuclei that found their way
into the heavy atom to the location of the inner electron shell would then fuse
and form He4. The energy and momentum would be distributed over both the He4 and
the heavy nucleus.

I have no idea whether or not this is realistic, but it would explain a lot.

BTW I have reason to believe that heavy atom inner shell electrons can provide
the frequencies needed for De Broglie wave wrapping.

Robin van Spaandonk

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