Michel Jullian wrote:

> Not really, there are "off the shelf" radioisotope heat sources of
> this kind of power magnitude which are quite safe even though they are
> quite compact (~6 Kg per kW) see:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Purpose_Heat_Source

Off of which shelf? Plutonium-238 costs approximately $10 million per
kilogram. The exact cost is secret because of national security. Only the
U.S. government has the stuff, and I do not think they will lend Rossi $60
million worth so he can scam someone.

Please do a reality check on your hypotheses.

Regarding the Earthtech MOAC, it is a remarkable instrument with some fine
qualities, but I believe the calorimeters made by Storms and McKubre are
more accurate and precise, and they are better suited to these experiments.
The calorimeter is an innate part of the experiment. Its performance affects
the outcome of the experiment.

- Jed

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