
Having just read
http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/files/Rossi-Focardi_paper.pdf , I must
say that 3 things stuck out:-

1) The energy amplification is on the order of several hundred times.
2) No radiation was detected.
3) Ordinary Hydrogen was used with Nickel powder (see patent application

All three of these things point to Hydrino formation being the primary source of
the energy, not nuclear reactions.

The purpose of the Ni is to convert molecular Hydrogen into atomic Hydrogen at
the surface. That's why finely divided Ni powders work better. More surface area
per unit mass. On such a surface it is possible for Hydrogen *atoms* to get
close enough to one another to catalyze shrinkage.

Note that had the *proposed* nuclear reactions with Ni been the actual source of
the energy, then there should have been at least *some* residual radiation.

Rossi says that the energy is beyond chemistry, which is true, however it is not
beyond Mills' super chemistry, and furthermore Mills himself recently reported
high energy results based upon e.g. NaH and *Raney nickel* (which also has a
large surface area / unit mass).

I should add that in the patent application they also state that some lighter
nuclei turn up in the Ni after operation of the device. This is purportedly due
to fission reactions. Ni is right at the top of the binding energy curve, so it
can't fission all by itself. That means that in order to do so, you need to add
quite a bit of external energy. This might be achieved by a fusion of multiple
Hydrogen atoms with a Ni nucleus concurrently. Such would be possible if one or
more magnetically coupled Hydrino molecules are bound in a neutral (un-charged)
cluster, and such a cluster fuses with the Ni nucleus.

This may not however contribute a large percentage of the overall energy. Such a
reaction is likely to produce stable isotopes because heavier nuclei tend to be
neutron richer than light nuclei, so when fission occurs there are usually
neutrons left over. However Hydrino clusters comprise protons only, so the
injection of these protons compensates for the additional neutrons in the
heavier nucleus and allows for the production of stable fission daughter
isotopes. (Nature actually prefers to produce stable isotopes because they are
lower on the energy curve - IOW during the fission process, locally stronger
forces tend win over weaker forces, pushing the conglomeration into more stable
arrangements - this is why fission daughter isotopes tend to peak around certain
masses rather than being uniformly distributed).

BTW finely divided Fe or Ti may work too.

Robin van Spaandonk


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