Michel Jullian wrote:

It is less independent than using a fresh cathode and
> your own cell.

Which, since you don't really know what makes the original cell work,
is even harder than moving the original cell.

We know what makes the cells work. With bulk Pd the control parameters are well known: high loading, stimulation and so on. They are difficult to achieve, but we know what they are.

If you mean that we need to know what makes the cell work on theoretical basis, that's just plain incorrect. Look carefully and ask enough questions and you we will find that people do not know the theoretical basis for anything, not even the formation of ice from liquid water.

Anyway, I said "independent measurement", not independent replication.

It is almost as difficult to do an independent measurement as a replication, unless you are visiting the lab and using the experimenter's own equipment.

I am sure it would convince many on the contrary. What would you think
of someone telling you he can fly to the moon by flapping his arms, to
use your analogy, and never letting anyone watch for 20 years?

That's silly. Energetic Technology welcomed Rob Duncan. McKubre has had hundreds of visitors, such as Richard Garwin. Garwin wrote a report saying he found no error. What more do you want? Heck, even I've been to plenty of labs.

- Jed

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