Perhaps Steve is defining the W-L theoretical reaction (and any other method that does not involve brute force smashing of the Coulomb barrier) as not fusion to differentiate it/them from the popular perceptions of mainstream science that Cold Fusion cannot happen because of the Coulomb barrier and the lack of the "expected" quantity of neutrons.

Face it, the barriers against getting mainstream science to acknowledge the reality of these effects are still high because the consensus view was crystallised decades ago. The mainstream got used to that idea - it's almost unconsciously accepted now. Unless busy scientists accidentally encounter the published work, they will just assume that any papers must be wrong so they can safely ignore their existence. In their mind fusion=coulomb barrier+neutrons therefore cold fusion is impossible.

By promoting/introducing a theory or theories that are not classical vanilla fusion, which won't set off the alarm bells and defence mechanisms of the mainstream, perhaps Steve is indeed using "semantics" but it is the semantics inside the heads of the mainstream that is the barrier to acceptance of the phenomena as real...

Nick Palmer

On the side of the Planet - and the people - because they're worth it

Blogspot - Sustainability and stuff according to Nick Palmer

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