On 03/23/2010 02:56 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> At 01:27 PM 3/23/2010, Steven Krivit wrote:
>> If that's the way you want Vortex to be, not a problem. Journalists
>> are used to people coming unglued when we report hard-hitting facts
>> that ruffle people's feathers.
> Or when they become advocates for their own idiosyncratic ideas,
> straying entirely from journalistic ethics and norms. Get thee an
> editor, Steve, and you can be a journalist again. I'd recommend it. You
> were a decent journalist, hard-working, willing to dig up the real
> story, often. But gradually you started making yourself and your
> opinions the story. Mistake. Back up and back off.

Well said, Abd.

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