Thank you for the informative reply Mauro! I guess I should have
phrased my question with fewer assumptions... I am not (as far as I
know) trying to fan any "speculative philosophy" or doomsday fears ,
rather I am interested in this phenomena as it may or may not relate
to another "vacuum energy" conduit thing I have been playing with.  My
thinking is as follows: galactic center point would be the center of
the milky way (roughly) and since it is stars they are blasting all
kinds bands outward from their sources.   if some isotropic-like
radiator like a huge cluster of stars was causing a field that the
earth moves into and out of or close and then far from that causes
changes in decay rates of radioactive substances, I was just wondering
what kind of field interaction the might cause? Could one amplitude
modulate a chunk of cesium's emissions by moving the whole earth
(ignoring orbits etc like you picked up a ball and shook it violently)
in and out of this field? Could this field be "induced" into a tight
crystalin structure and extracted via high frequency virtual photon
interaction to create an input-dipole AKA "electron holes"? If this
structure is on earth and it was "inter facing" with the larger field
that is. I have been trying to methodically disprove by experiment
different effects as the possible source of the a phenomena I stumbled
across in order to figure out how it works. (chemical, RF induction,
magnetic induction, heat changes, photon ex citation, etc). Could your
effect be causing the phenomena I observe? Thanks again! BTW I really
was not trying to bring up 2012/nibiru/annunaki etc!

On 9/8/10, Mauro Lacy <> wrote:
> On 09/08/2010 01:16 AM, Cosmo Manning wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been lurking and have to ask a burning question!
>> Mauro Lacy or anyone: in a hypothetical situation... Let's say for
>> instance that the earth was in near alignment with galactic central
>> point and then wobbled about it for a few days (such as it does at the
>> winter solstice). What kind of fluctuations would be expected by your
>> hypothesis?
> "Galactic alignment with galactic central point". What does that mean?
> When you're in a circular, or quasi circular, motion, you are *always*
> "aligned" with the center of the circle.
> Look, we're actually at 0.02 degrees above (north of) the galactic
> plane. Because the distance to the center of the galaxy is of many light
> years, those 0.02 degrees are a relatively long distance. And we're
> actually traveling *farther* from the galactic plane, due to our actual
> direction of motion towards the Solar Apex, which is in the northern
> hemisphere. So, there's also no chance that we'll "cross the galactic
> plane" anytime soon.
> It seems to me that you're confusing or mixing the apparent motion of
> the Sun at the solstices, with so called "galactic alignment". Take into
> account that the galactic distances are huge. My take is that we will
> not see any sudden changes in relation to any galactic related motion.
> We're "wobbling" inside the galaxy arm at 16.6 km/s. That's slow
> movement, in relation to galactic (extra solar system) distances. Even
> more: the conventional view is that that movement is a linear one, that
> is, at the moment, and as far as I know, scientists are unable to
> calculate the rate of curvature of such "wobble". That can give you an
> idea of the times and distances involved.
> We're also traveling at 220 km/s in the general direction of galactic
> rotation. That means that we'll complete a hypothetical turn in 220
> million years! And as I said, although that velocity is one order of
> magnitude greater than the movement towards the solar apex, we're always
> "aligned" to the center, in relation to that movement, because that
> movement is (roughly) on the circumference of a circle.
> Now, in relation to 2012 and doomsday scenarios, I'll take the chance
> here and say what I think, once and for all:
> In my opinion, 2012 in particular has nothing to do with "galactic
> alignment"(alignment with what?), crossing of the galactic plane,
> changing "galactic frequencies", or whatever you want to call it in your
> particular brand or mix of "speculative philosophy".
> There's a lot of hype and exaggeration. Even National Geographic,
> Discovery and History channel are feeding the fire of the coming final
> days. All they do in these "documentaries" is to emphasize the negative
> aspects of change, that is, those of destruction, upheaval, crisis,
> suffering and, in a general sense, doom. There will be no doomsday. I
> repeat: no doomsday. No end of the world.
> But, and this is undeniable, we're experiencing a lot of unusual things,
> mostly in weather patterns, also in the occurrence of volcanoes and
> earthquakes, floodings, extreme weather, etc.
> In my opinion, the weather, also earthquakes and volcanoes, that is,
> seismic activity on Earth, and also other, "subtler" phenomena, are all
> related to cosmic phenomena. In particular, to the activity of the Sun,
> but also to planetary positions and alignments, oppositions, etc. We're
> just starting to see and understand these connections, and that
> understanding will eventually lead to a new, scientific form of the old
> science of astrology, which clearly cannot continue and survive as it is
> today. Much water will have to run under the bridge for the actual,
> materialistic form of scientific knowledge to embrace and pursue that
> knowledge, but it will happen nevertheless, sooner or later, due to the
> simple fact that those effects and influences are real.
> We're approaching a particular event that will happen in 2012, which is
> related to the weather in forms that we actually don't understand in a
> scientific way, but that are probably due to the solar wind and its
> interactions with the Earth(i.e. electromagnetic effects, in a broad or
> generic form), which are in turn affected or modified by the planets, by
> their location in the ecliptic.
> The (second) transit of Venus will happen in 2012. The transits of
> Venus(Venus "crossing" the Sun in front of the Earth) come in pairs,
> separated by 8 years, and those pairs are separated by the next pair by
> 105 or 121 years. The first transit happened in 2004.
> So, if you study weather patterns, you discover that every hundred years
> or so, we have had a decade of uncommon weather. So much for the end of
> the times.
> Lastly, I want to add something more: In the very same way as there's a
> cycle of day and night, and a cycle of the seasons, there are probably
> greater cycles. And those cycles are probably related(in ways that we
> quite don't understand yet) to the rise and fall of civilizations on
> Earth, and also to the general "state of mind" of the beings on Earth.
> To the dark ages and to the golden ages.
> But please take into account that the duration of those cycles is large,
> in the order of thousands of years, and more. Those changes happen
> gradually. What we as human beings can do, and in a certain, very real
> way, are obligued by the circumstances to do, is to attune and encompass
> those relatively gradual changes. It is my understanding, and this is
> clear as day if you know where, what and /how/ to look, we're entering a
> new age of enlightenment, a new golden age. It is in that sense that the
> concept of apocalipsis must be understood. Apocalypsis meaning "the
> rising of the veil.".
> As you can imagine, it's very important to understand the Apocalypsis,
> the rising of the veil, in a positive, creative, constructive,
> enlightening way. And we as human beings can and should work, both
> individually and collectivelly, to achieve just that.
> Best regards,
> Mauro
>> Thanks for your time.
>> -Cosmo
>> On 9/7/10, Mauro Lacy <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>     The results of both papers are addressed, to a certain extent, in
>>> "Power Spectrum Analyses of Nuclear Decay Rates"
>>> Mauro
>>> On 09/06/2010 02:31 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:
>>>> Here are two papers which find no evidence of periodic fluctuations in
>>>> decay
>>>> rates. Both have been published in journals since being uploaded
>>>> to
>>>> Harry
>>>> Searching for modifications to the exponential radioactive
>>>> decay law  with the Cassini spacecraft
>>>> Authors: Peter S. Cooper
>>>> (Submitted on 24 Sep 2008)
>>>> Abstract: Data from the power output of the radioisotope thermoelectric
>>>> generators aboard the Cassini spacecraft are used to test the conjecture
>>>> that
>>>> small deviations observed in terrestrial measurements of the exponential
>>>> radioactive decay law are correlated with the Earth-Sun distance. No
>>>> significant
>>>> deviations from exponential decay are observed over a range of 0.7 - 1.6
>>>> A.U. A
>>>> 90% Cl upper limit of 0.84 x 10^-4 is set on a term in the decay rate of
>>>> Pu-238
>>>> proportional to 1/R^2 and 0.99 x 10^-4 for a term proportional to 1/R.
>>>> Evidence against correlations between nuclear decay rates and Earth-Sun
>>>> distance Authors: Eric B. Norman, Edgardo Browne, Howard A. Shugart,
>>>> Tenzing H.
>>>> Joshi, Richard B. Firestone
>>>> (Submitted on 17 Oct 2008)
>>>> Abstract: We have reexamined our previously published data to search for
>>>> evidence of correlations between the rates for the alpha, beta-minus,
>>>> beta-plus,
>>>> and electron-capture decays of 22Na, 44Ti, 108Agm, 121Snm, 133Ba, and
>>>> 241Am and
>>>> the Earth-Sun distance. We find no evidence for such correlations and
>>>> set
>>>> limits
>>>> on the possible amplitudes of such correlations substantially smaller
>>>> than
>>>> those
>>>> observed in previous experiments.

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