> It's been my observation that these planetary doomsday scenarios seem to
> crop up every generation, every 23 years or so. I'm under the opinion that
> some of these sociological events may in part be fueled by batches of
> younger observers (initiates) who may not have had the opportunity to have
> been inoculated (exposed) by the effects of previous doomsday scenarios,
> particularly how these sociological events tend to play out in the public
> arena.
> I noticed that the site has grown so large that they have had to
> reorganize
> the AV library substantially. Despite my obvious rabid skepticism in
> regards
> to fears of catching some virulent strain of convergentitus, I really
> enjoyed viewing most of these videos, particularly interviews with big
> named
> UFO proponents. Listening to some of their personal adventures was a real
> hoot for me! And who knows, perhaps there is a grain of truth buried
> deeply
> somewhere within some of the tales being told. I really don't know. In any
> case, perhaps some of you will find certain interviews educational. Be
> warned: You'll either catch a form of convergentitus or get "inoculated"
> against them. No guarantees!

Yes. On common problem with many of these "convergent idealists" is one of
speed, so to speak. Other common trend I see is that of passivity.
By example, the notion that the day after December 21 2012, the world will
awake to a new era of peace and harmony, due to the effect of the
"galactic alignment", is not only ludicrous, but also damaging, as on one
side it deviates the attention and trivializes the potential reality of
cosmic effects on Earth, and on the other side it leaves all in the hands
of the galactic powers. We don't need to do anything; we only have to
wait, and in a matter of weeks, or even days, all of our serious problems
will be magically swept away by a sequence of "galactic waves" of higher
frequency, that will automatically bring a new age to Earth.

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