I concur with Mario's sediments concerning the so-called "galactic
alignment" issue, particularly its relationship with recent 2012 doomsday


Some of us may be old enough to remember the fact that recent 2012
Armageddon hype, which in certain New Age groups has been associated with
the dreaded "galactic alignment" issue, seems to be harmonically aligned
with a previous doomsday alignment scenario which back in its heyday was
called the "Harmonic Convergence", circa 1985-6. Back then the major planets
of our solar system were said to be in the process of "aligning" themselves
in such a unique way that it could only result in a planetary upheaval of
significant proportions. Some may even recall a small tragedy that occurred
around the event where a harmless cult (harmless except for its own
membership) who committed mass suicide because they believed their spirits
would be reborn on what they believed was a space ship that was detected to
be in orbit near Saturn / Jupiter. I believe the space ship observation was
in relationship to the famous comet that eventually produced a spectacular
bull's eye on the surface of Jupiter.


It's been my observation that these planetary doomsday scenarios seem to
crop up every generation, every 23 years or so. I'm under the opinion that
some of these sociological events may in part be fueled by batches of
younger observers (initiates) who may not have had the opportunity to have
been inoculated (exposed) by the effects of previous doomsday scenarios,
particularly how these sociological events tend to play out in the public


In the meantime, for the curious-of-mind (like me!) you can get a belly-full
of doomsday galactic ecliptic lore by browsing the web site: Project




Some really good video interviews can be found at:



I noticed that the site has grown so large that they have had to reorganize
the AV library substantially. Despite my obvious rabid skepticism in regards
to fears of catching some virulent strain of convergentitus, I really
enjoyed viewing most of these videos, particularly interviews with big named
UFO proponents. Listening to some of their personal adventures was a real
hoot for me! And who knows, perhaps there is a grain of truth buried deeply
somewhere within some of the tales being told. I really don't know. In any
case, perhaps some of you will find certain interviews educational. Be
warned: You'll either catch a form of convergentitus or get "inoculated"
against them. No guarantees! 





Steven Vincent Johnson



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