Hello, newbie to this list.

warning -- home brew philosophy here

And if civilization were to crumble with a gigantic solar mass ejection causing the destruction of all satellites at once and the melt-down of the world power grid, would corporate-science revert back to being a process of investigation, rather than a dogma and creed and inviolate in the minds of the self-appointed sheriffs?

Paul LaViolette paints a picture of today's corporate-academic religion of science...

It seems like every other scientist I get to know has a plan and proposal to begin a community or organization to shelter pure science.

Rather than wait for a Mad Max world in ruins, what would be a catalyst to attract pure science into a huddle to begin a viral expansion of members that benefited from the association?

I became friends with William E. Smith, Ph.D (www.odii.com) whose social paradigm having no leader was adopted to organize the electrification of Thailand, among dozens of other groups, large and small, any size works. Bill could provide a workshop where on the 3rd day we could all realize best-fit scenarios based on blended dreams with tingling excitement. And the workshop self-replicates. In Thailand the social paradigm of Appreciation-Influence-Control (for all-between some-of self) literally took over the political foundations by way of internal conversion of the actionable populous, with a complete reformation of the government to its present structure.

There is zero reason why, to paraphrase the Hopi, WE cannot become THEM... Ignore scientific establishments, huddle, perhaps struggle for funding**, but proceed in a new rapidly growing community that bifurcates with celebrations into sibling groups of specialties growing a robust microeconomy of crafts of a growing intra-trade, offering the best of the best to the outer consumers... the perfect stuff in this scenario of a Gild of the Scientific Process!

I'd certainly offer quite a bit of volunteer effort for the chance to be a part of a new science where things don't happen simultaneously, per Newton, and light isn't a fixed speed, toppling Einsteins relativity, etc, and yadeeya.

**What science textbook states that a group of scientists cannot be supported by an expanding membership of curious lay minds subscribed for the benefit and excitement in an outer huddle, as first to know what is released from the inner huddle of true scientists. Outside would be the likes as journalists, lurking academics, corporate spies, Joe the plumber, etc. During early growth funding could be by viral member expansion similar to facebook where one's inbox becomes a leaf on a fractal tree of marketing links, the future revenue to shelter the inner gild of science process would emerge during that growth, and bloom into an educational foundation that really doesn't care what the Newtonians want to do --who would need them?

My amateur research:

As a rank amateur (older guy now that built motors with nails in pre-teen years, lasers and HV generators as a teen, digital circuits and industrial controls in young adulthood, then into programming in time for the grand off-shoring, and here I sit) I'm still wondering what to do with ideas, mostly...

* Inductance measurement tests on torus knot coils,
* search for effect of bifilar cancellation as strain on dielectric/paramagnetic core,
* free energy, and all that,
* and synergy with like minds on adventurous projects.
* Oh! and solid geometry! I love creating POVRay ray-tracing illustration of 3D perspective ( http://portal.groupkos.com/index.php?title=Moebius_Edge_Gallery ) * (errr... and that spooky topic of holomorphic resonance of human mind with the biocosm)

I hope to find a community where I can find practical advise from EEs without being attacked for the project context. Physicists, too, but so far in other list's EEs and physicists seem to be on the police force for eradicating thinking unlike theirs.

Thanks for listening, and I'm always open for chat about experiments.

Warm regards,
Don in AZ

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