-----Original Message-----
From: mix...@bigpond.com 

I have two questions.

1) What is the  actual mechanism that brings about fusion?

With the BEC experiments that we know about, condensates like Rb can
suddenly swing into strong attraction and implode. At Cornell, about
two-thirds of condensed rubidium atoms "disappeared" from the experiment
altogether. There was no local energy deficit and no report of an energy
anomaly, but still the incident is "telling" as to the mechanism.

This and other characteristics of Bose-Einstein condensates cannot be
explained with any current theory. My hypothesis is that negative
temperature induces actual fusion with the help of just such an attraction
event when there is a local energy deficit, such as in a Casimir cavity ...
where earlier there had been a few million sequential "first stage" events.
The deficit will actually stimulate the attraction, and then the fusion. 

This permits the 'first stage' processes, like Casimir heating, to resume,
with the excess energy coming in the form of UV light at 6.8 eV per
relativistic bounce within the cavity, for instance. 

The reason that these initial processes can be so hard to replicate, is
probably that there must be an expedited pathway to an actual nuclear
reaction - but that reaction itself does not "have to be" fusion. 

Thus everyone in the fizzix mainstream will tell you that there is no such
phenomenon as 'Casimir heating' ... but is that because they have never seen
it with a proper pathway - as with Rossi's nanopowder (presumably).

If the Focardi/Rossi experiments are real and repeatable, then in that case
it appears the "book balancing" reaction involves the conversion of nickel
to copper via induced beta decay. Extreme levels of transmutation to Cu are
documented, and since this class of reaction is far less energetic than
deuterium fusion - a great abundance of copper, where there had been none
before, is to be expected.

My prediction is that when all is told, we will learn that the BLP
sodium-hydride reaction produces copious magnesium - for the same underlying
reason. It is LENR and nothing less.

2) Why is the deficit always exactly equal to the fusion energy, and not of
varying sizes?

It isn't exact, in my opinion. There is probably a threshold level however.

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