-----Original Message-----
From: mix...@bigpond.com 

There is a third possibility. It is DD fusion, but the normal path is not
followed. There are at least three theories that would make this possible.

1) Takahashi
2) Mine - the energy is carried away from the reaction by a fast electron
3) Horace's - which I don't quite understand.

There is a fourth theory (working hypothesis) from yours truly - which is
can be called "local energy depletion fusion"... or "time-reversed BEC

The important points of it are:

1) Helium is an effect, not a cause

2) Energy is first depleted in small quanta, in units of 6.8 eV via
disruption to the Dirac epo field, which is NOT a part of our 3-space

3) The ionization potential of positronium is 6.8 eV, but this energy level
is left in our 3-space, due to a number of cross-dimensional strains,
similar to those ZPE related effects that Fran Roarty and I have talked
about - including Casimir cavity acceleration.

4) Small packets of energy released over time then accumulate to tens of MeV
equivalent levels, causing a local energy depleted region, which is
effectively extremely "cold" (far below absolute zero)

5) Deuterons entering an energy-depleted region act as BECs but go even
further in that they can and do fuse, while at the same time returning the
large local energy deficit - as payback. 

6) This restores the local deficit of the Dirac epo field to effectively
"balance the books." 


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