On 01/21/2011 04:53 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:
> In reply to  Stephen A. Lawrence's message of Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:35:44 -0500:
> Hi,
> [snip]
>> If a tiny fraction of the nickel is transmuted each second, and if
>> nearly all the transmutation events produce unstable copper which
>> eventually decays back to (higher weight) nickel, and if it takes
>> multiple steps to get to stable copper, then by the time we've got a lot
>> of stable copper running around, nearly all the nickel must have been
>> transmuted at least once, and the whole lot should be radioactive.  In
> ...which I effectively already said several days ago.

Oh.  Oops.

Well, hmm -- I guess we agree, eh?

> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk
> http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/Project.html

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